United Nations Resident Coordinator Pays Courtesy Call on Premier of Nevis

(l-r) Premier of Nevis the Honourable Mark Brantley receives United Nations Resident Coordinator to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Mr. Simon Springette for a courtesy call at his office at Pinneys Estate, Nevis on September 10, 2024

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS – United Nations (UN) Resident Coordinator to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean, Mr Simon Springette, paid a courtesy call on Premier of Nevis the Honourable Mark Brantley at his office in Pinneys Estate on Tuesday, September 10.

Mr. Springette is on his first official visit to the Federation since his recent appointment. He was accompanied to Nevis by Mr. Cosbert Woods, UN Country Coordination Officer for St. Kitts and Nevis.

“It’s a real pleasure to be here having a conversation with the Premier,” Mr. Springette said.

Premier Brantley in welcome remarks said he looked forward to engaging with the UN’s new Resident Coordinator for the region.

Premier of Nevis the Honourable Mark Brantley (r) holds diplomatic discussions with United Nations Resident Coordinator to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Mr. Simon Springette (top left) during an official visit to Nevis accompanied by Mr. Cosbert Woods, UN Country Coordination Officer for St. Kitts and Nevis

“He’s come over to see us and have some conversations. Of course, the UN has various programmes that it is involved with here in St. Kitts and Nevis, and through the Resident Coordinator we have a direct link into the United Nations, which is the world’s foremost multilateral organization that serves small nations and large nations alike.”

During the meeting, Mr. Springette and Premier Brantley discussed updates on ongoing UN programmes and other activities of the United Nations in St. Kitts and Nevis.

Mr. Springette took the opportunity to visit the historic Bath Stream and the Alexander Hamilton Museum of Nevis History during his brief visit to the island of Nevis.

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