Traffic Convictions May 2024


1. SHAQUAN BRIDGEWATER, Nov. 7th, 2023: Convicted of Driving Without Due Care & Attention. Fined $350 to be paid in seven days; in default, fourteen days imprisonment. Date of Conviction: May 2nd [2024].

2. ONEAL CRAIG, Feb. 23rd, 2023: Convicted of (i) Driving Without A Valid & Unexpired Licence, (ii) Driving Without Due Care & Attention, (iii) Driving With Unauthorised Headlights. (i) Fined $500 to be paid immediately; in default, fourteen days imprisonment. (ii) Fined $1200 to be paid immediately; in default, two months imprisonment (iii) Cautioned & disqualified from obtaining a license for four months. Date of Conviction: May 2nd [2024].

3. SHAKIM RICHARDS, Sept. 18th, 2023: Convicted of Driving Without Due Care & Attention. Convicted & cautioned. Date of Conviction: May 2nd [2024].

4. SHEUDYN PHILLIP, Sept. 18th, 2023: Convicted of Driving Without Due Care & Attention. Convicted & cautioned. Date of Conviction: May 2nd [2024].

5. ANYARRA SOVIENO, Feb. 23rd, 2023: Convicted of (i) Driving Without A Valid & Unexpired Licence, (ii) Driving Without Insurance, (iii) Driving Without Appropriate Headgear. (i) Fined $500 to be paid by May 2nd, 2024.

6. SHARI WALWYN of POND’S PASTURE, SK. Aug. 25th, 2023: Convicted of various driving offences and fined accordingly. Date of Conviction: May 9th [2024].

7. TESHAWN WALWYN of POND’S PASTURE, SK. Aug. 25th, 2023: Convicted of Permitting Another to Drive Without Insurance and fined $750 to be paid by May 9th 2024].

8. YOGESHWAR DALLOO of NEWTON GROUND, SK. Sept. 1st, 2023: Convicted of driving offences and fined accordingly. Dates of Conviction: May 10th, 2024 and May 31st, 2024.

9. SHAWN LIBURD of BUCKLEY’S ESTATE, SK. Mar. 27th, 2023: Convicted of Driving Without Due Care & Attention. Fined $750 to be paid in one month; in default, twenty-one days imprisonment. Date of Conviction: May 9th 2024.

10. DERMOT RAWLINS of BRANCH STREET, SK. Feb. 19th, 2022: Convicted of Failing to Comply with Traffic Sign. Fined $350 to be paid forthwith. Date of Conviction: May 13th [2024].

11. ROMEO RICHARDSON of SADDLER’S, SK. May 24th, 2023: Convicted of Exceeding the Speed Limit. Fined $250 to be paid by May 31st, 2024; in default, fourteen days imprisonment. Date of Conviction: May 27th, 2024.

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