Charlestown-Nevis–Miss Rosalie Martin of Jessups Village, celebrated her 94th birthday, on Thursday 2nd June, surrounded by several family members and representatives of the Ministry of Social Development and more specifically, representatives from the Seniors’ division within the Department of Social Services.

Her eldest son opened the proceedings with prayer and this was followed by a brief profile of the celebrant, delivered by Seniors’ Coordinator, Mrs. Garcia Hendrickson,

Mrs. Hendrickson noted that Miss Martin previously worked really hard as an itinerant vendor, even going across to St.Kitts to ply her trade, in an effort to support her family.

She then presented the ‘birthday girl,’ with a fruit basket, complements of The City Drug Store and the Ministry of Social Development.


One of her daughters, Mrs. Naomi Douglas indicated that her mother had been tremendously blessed over the years and shared an experience that dates back to July 31st 1970.

She had gone to St.Kitts to sell her goods and did not return on the Saturday, as was her custom but insisted on returning on Friday 31st July, for some strange reason.

On Saturday 1st August, news broke of the sinking of the MV CHRISTENA.

Miss Martin however, went to Charlestown, as she was seeking to find a favourite nephew who was on the boat.

Thankfully he survived.

The celebrant for her part sang a bit of a song about giving flowers while one is alive.

She also took time out to thank God, her family, friends and all those who had assisted her in achieving the significant mile stone.

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