Prime Minister Dr Terrance Drew Officially Launches 90-Day Campaign on Violence and Crime

The Honourable Dr. Terrance Drew, Prime Minister

BASSETERRE, St. Kitts (SKNIS): The Honourable Dr. Terrance Drew, Prime Minister and Minister of National Security, officially launched the 90-day Campaign Against Violence and Crime at the CUNA Conference Centre on Friday, September 06, 2024.

The event marked a united front in addressing one of the nation’s most pressing issues, with representatives from various sectors, including political leaders, law enforcement, academic institutions, faith-based organisations, and the sporting community, coming together to tackle crime and violence in St. Kitts and Nevis.

During his address, Prime Minister Dr. Drew acknowledged the importance of collaboration across political and societal lines, emphasising that the fight against crime is a collective responsibility that transcends politics. He highlighted the presence of the leadership of the political parties in St. Kitts and Nevis such as the People’s Action Movement (PAM), People’s Labour Party (PLP), and the Nevis Reformation Party (NRP).

Dr. Drew emphasised the necessity of a holistic approach, informed by data, to solve the nation’s crime problems.

“When I look at the data and examine it from my professional background, there is a lot of hope right here. With the data, we can define very precisely what the problem is, and if you can diagnose the problem, it gives you a great opportunity to come up with the solution,” said the prime minister.

Prime Minister Dr. Drew reiterated the government’s commitment to addressing crime by creating an inter-ministerial secretariat tasked with engaging all sectors of society.

“We will create from the inter-ministerial aspect of the government a secretariat, which we have started already. That secretariat will reach out to all in our society who want to contribute positively to resolving this matter,” Prime Minister Drew announced.

He emphasised that the campaign will feature numerous activities that engage the entire society, and stressed that addressing crime will no longer be a reactive measure taken only during spikes in violent incidents, but rather a sustained priority in national policymaking.

The event also featured a presentation by USAID, offering an in-depth analysis of gang activity and violence in St. Kitts and Nevis. This data-driven approach, free from governmental influence, provides a clear picture of the current situation and is critical to formulating long-term solutions.

Prime Minister Drew urged the nation to come together in the fight against crime, stressing the importance of making citizen security the top priority. He emphasised that addressing crime and violence requires the collective efforts of the entire society to ensure the safety and well-being of all citizens.

The 90-day campaign will feature a series of activities aimed at involving every sector of society in addressing crime. The government, through its inter-ministerial secretariat, is committed to ensuring that these efforts lead to sustainable solutions for the benefit of all citizens.

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