PRESS RELEASE: Pink Lily’s “Celebrate Life” benefit show will feature poetry and fashion
(CHARLESTOWN, Nevis, April 2, 2013)- Be touched, be moved, inspired and entertained with an evening of poetry, song, dance and fashion as Pink Lily Cancer Care presents a classic event dubbed, “Celebrate Life” at the state of the arts, Nevis Performing Arts Centre (NEPAC) on April 20th at 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

The event is hosted by Pink Lily Cancer Care, proudly sponsored by TDC and coordinated by a Pink Lily volunteer, Zelma Prentice who is the brain child of the envisaged event. Ticket cost for adults is EC$20 while children will pay EC$12.
The objective of the event is to demonstrate that life can be celebrated through the Arts. The event is also part of a series of activities that Pink Lily Cancer Care has organized to mark the charity’s 5th anniversary.
In a Press statement issued by Pink Lily Cancer Care, Prentice spoke about what inspired her to initiate the event, “as a young woman and mother, I know the challenges that women have to face on a daily basis. One such challenge is families having to find out that a loved one have been diagnosed with cancer.”
Prentice, over the years has come to the realization that being diagnosed with cancer is a major challenge. Aware of the emotional, physical, emotional and financial battles cancer patients have to grapple with, she decided to organize an event that would empower those living with cancer to celebrate their lives.
“Through poetry and fashion you can express yourself positively and shine bright like a diamond with confidence and let cancer know that it will not win, it will not stop you from celebrating life. I have always had a keen interest in the arts, namely poetry and modeling, hence, my decision to contact, Lea Parris –Cambridge and share my idea with her about coordinating this inspiring and entertaining event for Pink Lily,” Prentice said in the Press statement.
She went on to explain that modeling and poetry are forms of expressions. Modeling, she noted shows outward confidence and poise and poetry reveals depths of thoughts and feelings. “Combining the two for the purpose of raising awareness of cancer, shows cancer and the journey in a new light and gets the attention of new audiences. Making people more aware and educated and as a result could potentially help to save lives,” she said.
“Our artistes will express themselves in a positive way despite the challenge posed by cancer. A well recited, powerful poem can inspire so many people and touch so many lives. The art of modeling is also effective in letting people know that having cancer does not mean you have to keep yourself down, you can continue to dress up and radiate light and beauty, you can still be chic and exude confidence,” Prentice added.
“We are targeting everyone, both men and women, young and old as everyone needs to be aware of the impact of cancer. We all need to understand there is life beyond a cancer diagnosis and that early detection of cancer saves lives.
Pink Lily plays avery fundamental role in the Federation as it provides support and care to persons affected by cancer. Pink Lily has annual cancer walkathons and other events that continually raise cancer awareness. The charity’s also offers support services to men, women, young women and families touched by cancer.
Prentice has been greatly been impressed by Pink Lily volunteers, “When you are feeling like all hope is gone the volunteers work with you and uplift your spirits. What I admire most about Pink Lily members and volunteers is their passion for life and their positive attitude towards everything even when faced with challenges.
“I appeal to everyone to come out and support this event. Turning up for the event means you are supporting Pink Lily Cancer Care efforts of providing care and support to clients and creating cancer awareness and education.” Prentice said.
One of the goals of Pink Lily Cancer Care is to access funds to open a cancer support centre in Nevis to be able to offer complete quality cancer care service to the Federation.
The envisaged centre would be a centre that also hosts a secretariat, where members of the public can access information about cancer. They can pick up educational leaflets, speak confidentially to Pink Lily carers about their concerns, learn how to do self-breast examinations, attend support groups, counseling and therapy sessions in a safe, comfortable and private environment.
Tickets can be bought at A1 Technologies.
For tickets or more info call, 664 3306, 764 5471 & 669 8101 or email; or