Nevis Has New Basketball Chief
At the recent AGM of the Nevis Amateur Basketball Association (NABA), a brand new president was voted into office.
Long serving and outstanding president, Mrs. Schakima WANDA Parry-France, after recently saying ‘I do,’ also said ‘I do think that I need a break from the top position’ and declined any offers to be so nominated.

She however, settled for a role as the new Treasurer of the Association.
The brand new President elect, is Mr. Freddie Hanley who is an experienced Basketball player and has not only local knowledge of the game but has been exposed to administrative and other aspects of the sport in the USA.
The full executive is as follows:
President-Freddie Hanley
Vice President-Veronica Brandy
Secretary-Jaekeeda Thomas
Asst. Secretary-Govanie Hendrickson
Treasurer-Schakima WANDA Parry-France
Asst. Treasurer-Kelvin Bramble
PRO-Shoya Lawrence