Miss Caribbean Culture Contestant: Miss Dominica-Leslassa Armour-Shillingford
“Down to Earth, natural and committed, Leslassa’s positive spirit touches people in a very ‘real’ way.”
A vegetarian all my life, I believe passionately in conservation and living in balance with nature. Born in Dominica to Dominican parents, I have lived in a number of other Caribbean islands and travelled as far afield as Namibia, Africa. The reigning Miss Dominica, I am 19 year old Leslassa Armour-Shillingford (pronounced Less-lassa) which means ‘Harmony’ in Amharic, (an Ethiopian language). I believe I am a well-rounded, modern and youthful Ambassador for the Caribbean.

Miss Dominica 2013
At the tender age of 13 I was diagnosed with the medical condition Scoliosis which threatened my mobility, but since I am so passionate about dancing and sports, I committed to a daily discipline of exercise and a full torso brace and, have come through the condition successfully. As an accomplished dancer, while at college I was awarded “Greatest Dance Contribution” and recently placed 2nd in the Dominica Can Dance competition 2012. I am now fortunate to be a part-time Dance Teacher at 2 leading institutions in Dominica.
After high school graduation I completed the IB diploma program at the Rothesay College in Canada where I was honoured with the Institution’s most prestigious senior female award for “Fine Character, Scholarship & Sportsmanship”. I demonstrated leadership skills through academic, extra-curricular & volunteer activities and was also elected Head of House. I deeply appreciate the importance of a Holistic Education, my pageant platform, and the need for all people to have the opportunity to achieve their full potential; finding their passion and then excelling at whatever they do.
I am currently employed with my family’s business the Anchorage Hotel Whale Watch & Dive Center as an administrative assistant and promotions officer. This gives me the opportunity to interface with not just the visitors to Dominica but also with local tourism service providers which demonstrates further the diversity of avenues where people can excel.