Independence Day Message 2024 by Prime Minister of Saint Kitts and Nevis, Hon. Dr. Terrance Drew, September 19th, 2024

My fellow citizens, residents, friends from near and far, HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!

When we speak of independence, the word “freedom” naturally springs to mind. We hear phrases like “charting our path” or “making our own decisions.” And rightfully so. But it beckons a deeper reflection—that true independence begins as an idea, a concept, a state of mind. It is this belief, this mindset, that propels us to achieve freedom in its most tangible forms.

Today, I stand before you on what was once Bayford’s Estate in St. Peter’s Parish. From this vantage point, freedom takes on a life of its own. The spectacular views of Basseterre and the surrounding communities, with our beloved sister isle of Nevis in the background, evoke thoughts of the endless possibilities that lie ahead for our people and our great nation.

Here, on these hallowed grounds, our ancestors toiled under the blazing sun and stinging rains for little to no wages, their hearts yearning for the day when they would be truly free. Today, we have transformed this property, once a symbol of bondage, into a centre for agricultural innovation and sustainability—a beacon of our nation’s drive to achieve food security and reduce our dependence on imports. This is our commitment to the CARICOM 25 by 25 agenda, a commitment to feed ourselves, by ourselves, by the year 2025.

But independence is not just about economic or agricultural self-sufficiency. It is also about the freedom to live in peace, safety, and security. It comes with the understanding that freedom carries with it a profound responsibility—our responsibility to maintain and sustain all the freedoms we enjoy.

In recent years, and especially over the past decade, we have seen a troubling rise in gun-related crimes—not just here in Saint Kitts and Nevis but across the Caribbean. This epidemic of violence has claimed the lives of too many of our young men and women—lives full of potential, cut short by senseless acts of brutality. This is a direct assault on our freedom—our freedom to live in peace.

Let me be clear: WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. The fight against crime is not just the responsibility of the government or the police; it is the responsibility of every citizen of this nation. We must all do our part to create a safer, more peaceful Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Yet, despite the challenges we face, I remain optimistic about our future. I believe in the resilience, strength, and spirit of the people of this nation. Together, we can overcome this scourge of violence and build a brighter, safer future for our children.

On September 19th, 1983, when we raised our beautiful national flag, we heralded our political independence. Since then, we have embarked on a journey toward economic independence with a single aim: to raise the standard of living for our people and provide every Kittitian and Nevisian with the opportunity for a better quality of life.

Since assuming leadership of this great nation in August 2022, your government, under my leadership, has prioritised economic growth, wage equity, and the empowerment of our youth. These are the pillars of prosperity.

In the last year alone, we have reached significant milestones that speak to our steadfast commitment to improving the lives of our people:

From January 1, 2024, we raised the national minimum wage from $360 to $430 per week. We aim to increase it further to $500 per week by July 1, 2025, ensuring that every worker in Saint Kitts and Nevis earns a living wage.
Recognising the invaluable contributions of our public servants in our nation’s progress, we implemented an 8% salary increase.
To empower our people with land ownership, we reduced interest rates on residential lands from 12% to 6% annually, making it more accessible for Kittitians and Nevisians to own a piece of our beloved islands.
We increased the social security pension from $430 to $500 per month, ensuring that our elderly who have contributed to our nation can live with greater dignity and comfort.
We have reinstated gratuity payments to retired Government Auxiliary Employees (GAEs), righting a historical wrong and honouring those who have served with dedication.
As of July 2024, pensions for all GAEs and other monthly paid government workers employed on or after May 18, 2012, have commenced, marking a historic achievement in our social security framework.
Through new programmes in collaboration with our National Bank, Development Bank, and National Housing Corporation, we are providing young entrepreneurs, first-time homeowners, and university students with the tools and resources they need to succeed, building the foundation for a prosperous future.
These improvements in the lives of our people are worth celebrating. But there is still much ground to cover as we work to transform our nation into a truly independent, developed, and peaceful nation where our people can thrive. To transform Saint Kitts and Nevis into a Sustainable Island State will require our collective commitment, selflessness, sacrifice, and courage.

The progress we have achieved over the past two years is substantial, yet we understand your sense of urgency in other key areas. Rest assured, your government hears you. We are making strides, and prosperity is within our grasp.

Just as we have transformed Bayford’s Estate from a sugar plantation worked by enslaved peoples to a modern agricultural centre, so too must we embrace progressive, positive change in our nation. At the same time, we must be cautious not to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Saint Kitts and Nevis is now 41 years young. We are a nation “Together, A People, Proud and Strong.”

My fellow citizens, while our nation is not without challenges, progress is being made. You can look forward with confidence as we continue to enhance your lives in unprecedented ways.

In the coming year, you will witness:

The completion of a modern MRI Centre at JNF General Hospital.
The start of construction of a new, climate-smart JNF General Hospital.
The start of construction of the new Basseterre High School.
The construction of the Joshua Obadiah Williams Primary School.
The completion of the St. Peter’s Main Road.
The completion of the new Conaree Football Stadium.
The development of new, climate-smart housing solutions.
Good things are happening in our country. Let us stay focused and not be swayed by negativity or falsehoods.

As our celebrated calypsonian King Arrow once sang:

“Let us reintegrate and correct our mistakes;


Building a brand new nation;

We move on together, hand in hand;

Rise, citizen, arise!

The country is yours, all yours, still yours.”

These powerful words remind us that this nation is ours—all of ours. We must reintegrate, reunite, and build a brand-new nation, hand in hand together.

As we reflect on our journey over the past 41 years, let us not forget the sacrifices of those who came before us. Let us honour their legacy by continuing to strive for a better, more just, and more prosperous Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Together, a People, Proud and Strong—this is our identity, our strength, and our promise for the future.

Once again, HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY and may God bless our beautiful twin island Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Thank you.

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