By: Curtis Morton
Heather Dyche, CONCACAF instructor appeared very enthused on Thursday, May 14, 2015 as she prepared to commence a CONCACAF grass roots Football coaching course, geared specifically to females on the island of Nevis.

Over twenty females from The Sports Department and schools on Nevis, showed up to participate in the course.
The course is being conducted at the Jessups Community Center and will run from Thursday May 14th to Saturday May 16th.
The sessions will climax with a grand Football clinic at the ET Willet Park on Saturday 16th May. This one is strictly geared for the females on the island.
Miss Dyche indicated that one of the goals of CONCACAF and ultimately FIFA, the world’s governing Football body, is to ensure that the game of Football is properly developed throughout the world, hence the reason for the various training sessions that are held regularly throughout the regions they govern.
She indicated that at the end of the course, those who successfully complete it, will receive a license which will allow them to officiate in any island or country under the auspices of CONCACAF.
The training session was preceded by a brief opening ceremony which was chaired by Ag. Sports Director Jamir Claxton and featured remarks from Miss D Michelle Liburd Asst. Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Social Development who spoke on behalf of Junior Minister of Sports, Hon Hazel Brandy Williams; Principal Education officer, Miss Palsy Wilkin; Ms Natalie Lutz (CONCACAF’s women’s Football Development Manager); and Instructor Dyche.
The vote of thanks was delivered by Miss Zahnela Claxton, Youth Coordinator on Nevis