Government Of Romania Extends Congratulations to St. Kitts And Nevis on Its 41st Anniversary of Independence

Her Excellency Mrs. Luminita Odobescu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania

BASSETERRE, St. Kitts (SKNIS) – The Government of Romania has congratulated the Government and people of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis on its 41st anniversary of Independence.

In a congratulatory message sent to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Right Honourable Dr Denzil Douglas, Her Excellency Mrs Luminita Odobescu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania said:

“The celebration of the Independence Day of the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis gives me the pleasure to extend to you my most sincere congratulations and wishes of well-being and prosperity.

Following up on our recent bilateral contacts in Saint John’s, on the sidelines of the 4th UN High-Level Conference on Small Island Developing States, I reconfirm Romania’s long-term bilateral commitment towards the Caribbean, as well as our constant support for the enhancement of the EU-Caribbean partnerships.

I take this opportunity to express our satisfaction with the continuous progress witnessed by our bilateral relations in the 15 years since their inception, in terms of political-diplomatic dialogue and sectoral cooperation, particularly in education and climate change.

At this same time, I express my hope that we will strengthen our cooperation at the multilateral level, to defend our shared values and the rules-based international system.”

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