Five Key Sectors Promoted to Taiwan Investors as Allied Governments Incentivise Private Sector Partnerships

Taipei, Republic of China (Taiwan) (Embassy of Saint Kitts and Nevis) Investing in Saint Kitts and Nevis will be incentivised in five key sectors through policies from the governments of Saint Kitts and Nevis and Taiwan.


On Tuesday, March 18, the 2025 Saint Kitts and Nevis Trade and Investment Promotion Seminar was held at the Regent Hotel in Taipei, Taiwan. The seminar attracted scores of potential investors who learned about the country and the investment opportunities.

In his remarks, Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade, Industry, Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Economic Development and Investment, Rt. Hon. Dr Denzil L. Douglas welcomed private sector partnerships.

“We recognize the value of strong, international partnerships, and we believe that the vibrant and innovative private sector in Taiwan presents a great opportunity to collaborate with us as we continue to build our nation’s future,” Minister Douglas said.

According to Mr Daniel Tang, Secretary General of Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), MOFA will offer incentives like plane tickets and financial assistance to support investments into Saint Kitts and Nevis.


The tourism sector, agricultural sector, ICT sector, international education services sector and renewable energy sector are priority areas for partnership, as stated by Permanent Secretary of Economic Development and Investment, Ms. Adina Richards.

Mr. Jonathan Kelly, Energy Transition Manager at the Saint Kitts Electricity Company (SKELEC), zeroed in on the energy sector, pinpointing geothermal, wind and solar energy projects.

Mr. Kelly said, “Opportunities for strategic and mutually beneficial Taiwan-Saint Kitts and Nevis energy sector cooperation and development partnerships such as a 50 MW solar PV (photovoltaics)+ BESS project, grid modernization projects, and rooftop solar PV (photovoltaics) + BESS projects should be explored and developed.”

The 2025 Saint Kitts and Nevis Trade and Investment Promotion Seminar was organized by Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) and the Chinese International Economic Cooperation Association (CIECA). Over sixty (60) investors attended the seminar.

Other members of the visiting delegation in attendance were Ms. Kaye Bass, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Sean Lawrence, Director in the Ministry of International Trade, and Mr. Trevor Blake, President of the St. Kitts and Nevis Chamber of Industry & Commerce.

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