BASSETERRE ST. KITTS, Sunday 15th February, 2015 —- Parliamentary representative & soon-to-be re-elected for Constituency #3, The Honourable Sam Condor held the first ever ‘Love Tour’ in the West Basseterre Communities yesterday, Valentine’s Day, Saturday 14th February, 2015. Using this opportunity to express his love and appreciation for ALL of his constituents, Uncle Sam, distributed white roses to all females within the areas and even treated the young children to gift-wrapped sweets. White roses were used to signify the true love that Uncle Sam and TEAM UNITY have for the people of St. Kitts & Nevis.

Even though there were some unsavory comments spewed at the members of the ‘Love Tour’ by the followers & campaign team for the chap seeking office, Konris Maynard, they too were embraced by the Youth Arm of TEAM UNITY #3 throughout the day. TEAM UNITY does not believe in victimizing anyone, and it was in this light, that Maynard’s supporters too were offered the white rose of true love.
Since yesterday’s ‘Love Tour’ it is now understood that some of Maynard’s supporters are now showing their TRUE COLOURS and are now PRETTY IN UNITY. They have now realized the selfish nature of their representative who is seeking office to serve them. Some are quoted saying, “he kept trying to fool us saying that he loves us and he’s doing this because of love, but all along he and his wife collecting their millions of dollars and nothing for me.” This very same young lady, who wished to remain anonymous, said that it’s a struggle every day to support her family of 4 young children. She mentioned the high cost of living, especially the VAT on food.

One young man who is a well-known supporter of the St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party strongly objected to the bribe money that has been floating around over the past month. “Me, I ain believe in this bribe money thing, but ah tek dey money because I mek sure I get my share before dey empty out de Treasury. My ‘X’ worth way more than what they gave me. I’m going to support Uncle Sam and vote for him on Monday.”
Residents in the West Basseterre Area were overjoyed yesterday when Uncle Sam made his courtesy stop to their individual homes. They expressed their love for him and encouraged him to continue on the right path with TEAM UNITY. The support was overwhelming! Persons in the communities of Shadwell, La Guerite, Buckley’s, Camps, West Farm & Boyds intimated that they are staying with Uncle Sam for this elections and beyond.
The future Prime Minister of St. Kitts & Nevis, the Honourable Timothy Harris is usually welcomed on stage by a very popular Lucky Dube song, “Different Colours.” This song is now the anthem for everyone in St. Kitts & Nevis. We will be looking PRETTY IN UNITY!
Breaking those barriers
All over the world
Was not an easy thing
Yesterday your mouth was shut yeah
Couldn’t make a sound eh boy
But it’s such a good feeling today
When I can hear them from
Across the ocean singing this song
That the whole world should be singing
All the time
Different colours {one people}
Different colours {one people}