Defending Champions GSS Commence Tournament on Winning Note

The now annual inter High Schools Basketball tournament, dunked off on Thursday 25th April, at the Old Manor court in Gingerland.
It is a tournament coordinated by the Department of Education and the Sports Department.
A brief ceremony, ably chaired by Senior Sports officer, Carl Tuckett, signalled the start of the proceedings.
Tuckett officially welcomed the three competing teams: Charlestown Secondary (CSS); Nevis International Secondary School (NISS)-first time in the tournament and defending champions, Gingerland Secondary School (GSS).
The teams were all immaculately attired in their spanking brand new uniforms, complements of their respective sponsors.
NISS, sponsored by the Development Bank of St. Kitts and Nevis; CSS is being sponsored by RBTT BANK and GSS sponsored by National Bank.
Mr. Tuckett in his introductory remarks, warmly lauded the teams and their sponsors and had an encouraging word for newcomers, NISS.
Director of Sports, Mr. Jamir Claxton, beseeched the young players to play hard but to be fair and disciplined and he made reference to a recent stabbing incident after a Football game in St. Kitts, as not the way to go.
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Mr. Kevin Barrett, used the opportunity to urge the students to utilise their God given talents to excel at their sport of choice and their academics.

Minister of Sports, Hon. Eric Evelyn, noted the great interest being paid to Basketball on the island and pointed to the newly re-laid court at Old Manor, as evidence of his government’s commitment to aiding the young players in accessing quality facilities.
He further committed to soon providing bathroom facilities and stands at the venue.
The NISS cheer leaders then entertained the sizeable gathering with their unique dancing skills, center court and later Mr. Tuckett introduced the starting line ups of the two competing teams in the first game, GSS and CSS, in NBA style, to loud applause.
In that first game of the tournament between GSS and CSS, the visiting team scored the first points but missed the hoop at regular intervals.
The GSS team missed a fair share as well, but in the end, the defending champions and home team, GSS, prevailed to win the game 47 to 34.