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By:Curtis Morton The way I see it, PRISON IS NOT A PLACE THAT ONE SHOULD PLAN TO BE. As part of the youth month activities, I was part of a delegation, earlier this week that had the rare opportunity…


The way I see it, WHA FU YOU- FU YOU! That is just the colloquial way of saying: What is for you-will be for you! I sat with intense anxiety on Thursday of this week, as the West Indies male team,…

The Way I See It

By:Curtis Morton The way I see it, I really do not want to lose my mental faculties or ‘go crazy,’ as we say locally. However, I have learnt that there is not much difference between those of us who…

“Stone the Politicians”

By Pastor Ron Daniel The story of John 8:1-12 with particular reference to verse seven forms the core of my article this week. It speaks to the story of the adulterous woman who was caught in…


By:Curtis Morton The way I see it, I really cannot fathom persons who are, what my mother used to refer to as ‘highty-tighty’ and obnoxious. It was just on Wednesday of this week, that I received a…

The Way I See It

By:Curtis Morton The way I see it, parents can make an indelible impression on the minds of their children. The question is then dear reader: “What kind of an impression have you made on the minds of…

The Way I See It

By:Curtis Morton The way I see it, it’s good when people can do favours for you, without any ulterior motives and it is also good to do favours to others, WITHOUT ULTERIOR MOTIVES. It was just this…

The Way I See It

By:Curtis Morton The way I see it, I don’t like to see people hold people to ransom. In my opinion, that is exactly what the West Indies senior cricketers are doing to the West Indies cricket Board.…


By:Curtis Morton The way I see it, Kemo Paul, did not do anything wrong. For the benefit of my readers who do not follow the glorious game of CRICKET, Kemo Paul is a young Guyanese cricketer who is…


By:Curtis Morton The way I see it, most of us are afraid to DIE. One singer actually penned the words: “All of us want to go to heaven but nobody wants to die.’ Can’t say that I blame you, cause I…

The Way I See It

By:Curtis Morton The way I see it, getting a driver’s license in Nevis could be a stressful experience. I think I have already outlined my personal experiences but today I want to reflect some more on…


By:Curtis Morton The way I see it, the Postal Service and all of the tremendous workers there need to be specially congratulated. We live in an age of computers, the internet and emails.  I grew up in…

The Way I See It

The way I see it, it is nice when big people can recognize their mistakes and actually say: ‘I am sorry.’ Those three words are three of the most difficult words for big people to say. Some persons…

The Way I See It

By;Curtis Morton The way I see it, I am not an ORPHAN. When a friend of mine learnt of the death of my Dad earlier this year, she said: ‘Welcome to the club of adult orphans! We had a laugh about it…