By Curtis Morton The way I see it, our modern society in this year of our Lord, 2019, is in serious trouble. I was invited to a very interesting forum during the course of this week. I was a little…
By Kelvin Daly Over the past few years, I have seen things that have made my skin crawl. Yes, and at times, such was the level of abuse, passion and anger became indistinguishable. Tone it down I'm…
The way I see it, family time is PRICELESS. As individuals reveled on Monday last, we were visited at our home, by Curtis Morton Jr and his lovely wife and the several hours we spent chatting and…
By Sir Ronald Sanders Caribbean persons interacting with British tourists, apart from the super-rich, should be mindful that if these visitors appear reluctant to part with their money, or demand…
The way I see it, our history ought to guide and dictate our future, in a positive way. On Thursday 1st August, I attended the annual service of commemoration for the worst boating disaster and…
The way I see it, I continue to be confused and befuddled by our English language. Earlier this week, I was at a particular business place, paying a necessary monthly bill. As I spoke to the lady in…
By Sir Ronald Sanders (The writer is Ambassador of Antigua and Barbuda to the United States and the Organisation of American States. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies…
The way I see it, when a person gets into business, that individual’s overriding goal, should be, to be the best businessman or businesswoman, ever. One of the ways to ensure that you stay ahead of…
The way I see it, if we were to focus on how many persons owe us money, our stress levels will go up and in the worst case scenario, we can literally lose our minds. I am now of the firm view, that…
Nevisian author, Ms. Vanessa Webbe, has published her second children’s book. The author launched her latest publication entitled “Everyday Prayers for Children,” at Divinity Book Store, in…
The way I see it, there are too many angry people in our society. Nowadays, I find that it does not take a lot to get people vex—ah mean real vex! There are some offices you go into, in order to…
The way I see it, our senior citizens need to be revered, honoured and well taken care of. Earlier this week, I had a very interesting conversation with a friend about our senior citizens. We spoke…
Antigua and Barbuda’s Ambassador in Washington, Sir Ronald Sanders. By Sir Ronald Sanders Readers of this commentary, particularly those in small countries, might wonder why they should be concerned…
The way I see it, in this day and age we need to be very careful, even when offering assistance to others. Actually, the bible admonishes us to ‘be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.’ I spent…
The way I see it, every day that Almighty God LENDS us breath, is a blessing and ought not to be taken lightly. Now you may well wonder what sparked my interest in such a topic, for this week. Well,…