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A Tough Battle for Friday Night’s Carnival Song…

Electrifying is how some are already describing this Friday’s (22nd October), inaugural Carnival Song Competition, which gets on the way at 8:00 pm on the various social media platforms of St. Kitts…

All-star band for this carnival

After many years of debating the merits, the Carnival Committee in St. Kitts & Nevis has finally taken a firm decision to introduce an All-star Band to back all calypsonians participating in the…

The Cable says it remains committed to Carnival

The support from the corporate sector for this year’s celebration of 50 Years of carnival in St. Kitts and Nevis, is already being described as one of the most promising, in recent years. The most…

Deadline for Carnival Song Competition

The National Carnival Committee in St. Kitts & Nevis wishes to remind all songwriters and artistes, that the deadline is fast approaching for the submission of entries for the Carnival Song…

New Carnival slogan selected

The slogan for the celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of carnival in St. Kitts & Nevis has been selected, from a long list of entries submitted over the past few months by citizens across the…

Entertainers to benefit from Cash Prizes for…

One of the sectors severely hurt by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in St. Kitts & Nevis has been the entertainment industry, with hundreds of performers, producers, and songwriters, not being able…

Large number of entries for carnival slogan

When the National Carnival Committee in St. Kitts & Nevis launched its 2021 Slogan Competition back on May 13th, no one expected that the support would have been as overwhelming, as it has turned…

Sugar Mas 50 Community Notice

The National Carnival Committee in St. Kitts & Nevis is inviting persons to submit entries for its Sugar Mas 50 Slogan Competition. The slogan must capture the true essence of what Sugar Mas 50…

The search begins for Sugar Mas 50 Official Slogan

A special slogan competition has been launched in St. Kitts & Nevis as organizers begin to map out the format for the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of National Carnival, which was started by…

Carnival to honour Lala & Mr. World

Two of the longest-serving entertainers in St. Kitts & Nevis will be recognized by the National Carnival Committee, when the official VIRTUAL Prize-giving Ceremony for Sugar Mas 49 is hosted this…

Carnival Committee meets with Senior Calypso…

A highly productive meeting was held on Thursday evening, (17th December, 2020), between the Finalists picked for the 2020 Senior Calypso Monarch Competition and top officials of the St. Kitts &…

Nu Vybes, Small Axe, Grand Masters and Kore Band…

The top calypso bands in St. Kitts and Nevis will be placed in the spotlight next week, when the National Carnival Committee launches its first ever Icons Sugar Mas Virtual Concert at the Carnival…

2020 Haynes Smith Miss Caribbean Talented Teen…

BASSETERRE ST. KITTS, —Taking into consideration the health and safety issues and challenges as well as the ongoing global impact caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Haynes Smith Youth Club have come…

Sugar Mas Gets its Grand Opening this Friday

An exciting programme of entertainment is being finalized for the grand opening of the 49th edition of St. Kitts & Nevis' Sugar Mas carnival, scheduled for this Friday, 11th December 2020.…