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Athletics : Green Takes Championship Honours at…

The Combermere Preschool held its annual sports meet at the VOJN grounds on Thursday, March 20th. The honored patron for the event was Ms. Martila Leader. The children participated in various races,…

Athletics : Red House Dominates At Charlestown Pre

The Charlestown Pre-School held its annual sports meet on Wednesday, March 19th, at ET Willet Park. The honoured patron of the day was Robert BUSH Morton, a former student and athlete. After an…

Athletics: Patrons Named for Inter Primary 2025

The 2025 BONI and Gulf Insurance Nevis Primary Schools' Championship is scheduled for Wednesday, April 2, 2025, at the Nevis Athletic Stadium, starting at 11:00 a.m. The event will be held under the…

Athletics : Green Dominates the Scene at…

The Montessori Primary School held its annual sports meet on Friday, March 14th. For the first time, the event took place at the Nevis Athletic Stadium, as Coach Eddy Caines emphasized the importance…

Athletics : Orange House Wins at Inez France…

The Inez France Preschool held its annual sports meet on Friday, March 14th, at St. Thomas' Primary School grounds. The distinguished patron for the event was former outstanding athlete Ms Tamara…

Athletics : Red House Prevails at MCPS

The Maude Cross Preparatory School held its annual sports meet on Wednesday, March 12th, at the Nevis Athletic Stadium, in front of a sizable crowd. The distinguished guests included past educators of…

Athletics : Montessori Hosts Cross Country Event

The Montessori Primary School held its annual cross-country event on Friday, March 7th. This year, the new school location allowed for new routes and the potential for new records. Anxious parents and…

Athletics : Honey Bees Take Charge At CBIS

The yellow Honey Bees were the champions at the Cecely Browne Integrated School (CBIS) annual sports meet, which took place at the Nevis Athletic Stadium on Thursday, March 6th. The honoured patron…

Athletics Green Prevails at St. Thomas’ Primary

The honoured patrons for the event were Yonoka Flemming and Marvin Hamilton, both former outstanding students and athletes from St. Thomas’ Primary School. The occasion was the annual sports meet,…

Athletics : Gold House Wins Through At St James…

St. James’ Primary School held its annual sports meet on Tuesday, March 4th, at the school grounds. The distinguished guests were former student-athletes of the school, Teresia Daniel and Taje Liburd.…