Breast Cancer Month- We Have Reached This Far By Faith!
No poet or artist can possibly describe or capture the beauty and perfection of our Lord’s creation. We were enjoying the beauty of the Caribbean Sea and the many colors, tones and shapes the clouds can make at sunset while taking this picture. Thank you dear Lord because all of us can enjoy it without discrimination.
Around the world BREAST CANCER MONTH is celebrated in October. Last year I was a physician talking about it, this year I am just so thankful to hold hands with our brave SURVIVORS!
Today, we the survivors are celebrating the many blessings in our lives. We pray for family members who also suffer with us and honor and remember our sisters, who fought but lost their lives to cancer.
In spite of our positive spirit, this journey is definitely the most difficult one in our lives. We have reached this far by faith! While dealing with the terrible side effects of the cancer treatments, I wanted to speak with each one of you, my Nevisian ladies and urge you to get checked. We do not want any one of you to FACE cancer!
“LOVING TOUCH, GENTLE EXAM CAMPAIGN” is an idea turned reality. The creation of a new video and a campaign was just a thought scribbled in my diary but only the love and care of different women in our community has made it possible.
For six consecutive Thursdays, we will be coming to a location close to you. We will present information-filled videos of the two most common cancers that affect us women (breast and cervical). Cancer survivors, doctors, community nurses and health-educators will be there to answer your questions.
Get informed! It can save your live! We will be waiting for you!
Dr. J. Bardales-Essien