Antigua: Changes to be Made to CIP Following Caribbean Agreement

Source: Loop
Antigua & Barbuda’s Citizenship by Investment program is set to undergo revisions in response to recent developments in the Caribbean Citizenship by Investment (CIP) landscape.

In March, the Prime Ministers of Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, and Saint Kitts & Nevis signed a historic Memorandum of Agreement (MoA).

This agreement establishes a minimum investment sum of US$200,000 for each country’s CIP, effective from June 30, 2024.

As part of the MoA, several modifications were unanimously agreed upon, including an increase in the minimum investment threshold across all participating nations.

While some countries have already implemented these changes, Antigua & Barbuda has requested an additional 30 days to accommodate Parliamentary adjustments.

According to the formal memorandum from the Antigua & Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Unit, the changes will come into effect on July 30.

The revisions include:

Donation Route: The minimum investment for the donation route will increase from USD 100,000 to USD 230,000 for a family of up to 4 people, and USD 245,000 for families of 5 or more.

Real Estate Investment: The minimum investment for property will rise from USD 200,000 to USD 325,000.

University of the West Indies (UWI) Fund: The UWI option will now require a minimum investment of USD 300,000.

Processing Fees: Processing fees remain unchanged at USD 30,000 for a single applicant up to a family of 4. For families of 5 or more, processing fees have been reduced to USD 10,000 for each additional dependent.

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