Annual Swimming Competition Set for This Saturday

Danielle Connor and James Weekes

The third annual Swim Fest, hosted by the Nevis Aquatics and Sailing Center, will take place at Oualie on Saturday, October 19th.

According to the main coordinators, Danielle Connor and James Weeks, five clubs will be competing:

Swim Rite, Swim to Win, Bring It from Nevis, Blue Marlin Swimming Academy, and Paradise Inn.

The races will include freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly, covering distances of 200 meters, 50 meters, and 25 meters.

The defending champion is the Bring It team. The races will begin at 9 am and continue throughout the day, with food, music, and drinks available.

The organizers also expressed their gratitude to the sponsors who have contributed to making the competition possible.

Special awards will be presented to the top junior and senior males and females.

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