Q: Commissioner, we have seen the stats posted on the police Facebook indicating that crime has been trending down in the federation over the last 34 months, in light of the hard wok that you have put in place to reduce crime, and the fear of crime, what is it that you and your men and women of the Force can continue to offer that is not already being done?
A: We have a very dedicated group of police officers here in the Federation. They deserve positive, productive, and progressive leadership. I want to continue providing them with that leadership by reinforcing the work of the police force and reaching out to the community. Despite our challenges, we still continue to reduce crime in the Federation. Jamaica, just this week, celebrated an 11% decrease, that made the news for them. It is always good news when the crime drops below at least 3%. Here in the Federation our crime has been constantly dropping sometimes in the 50’s and 60’s percentile. Because we have been having reduced rates in crime, people get concerned, and they should be, whenever incidents of high profile occur. The reality is that crime will occur in the Federation, as it does everywhere in the Caribbean and all over the world. Our crime is down -39.5% for the first six months of 2014 over the first six months of 2013.The Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force publishes their monthly stats on the police face book and police website at www.police.gov.kn or www.sknpolice.com where citizens can press the Facebook logo to see the daily press releases which includes the daily arrests. We will continue to work on reducing crime and the fear of crime in the Federation, and ask that the persons who posted that very damaging hoax picture on the BBM, refrain from maliciously wasting the resources of the nation’s emergency and rescue services..
Q: Commissioner, how do you plan to reach out to the community?
A: Outreach comes through:
1. Positive Community Policing – Encouraging officers to not only patrol, but to also build relationships with citizens, from children in school, to shoppers on the street. Get out the car and meet the people.
2. Proactive Patrols – Seek funding for additional patrols to reduce response times, which could be crucial in an emergency situation. Increasing patrols in certain high profile areas to alleviate the potential for crime. Increase night patrols.
3. Monthly Town Hall Meetings – Encourage the citizens to come and voice any opinions or suggestions for the improvement of law enforcement in our Federation.
4. An Open Door Policy – Citizens who have not had their concerns addressed at a local level are free to address them through my office during regular business hours.
5. A Hello Line – This “Citizen Friendly” line will permit citizens of the Federation to anonymously call in complaints if they do not wish to be identified.
6. Drug and Gang Education – Begin a program of narcotics education not only for the M.A.G.I.C. aged children but for the adults. Offer a 20 minute visit to area churches and civic groups where officers trained in the perils of gangs and narcotics use can share this knowledge to the community.
7. Create A Citizens Police Service Awareness Academy – Police can never fully accomplish any of its functions without including the citizens of the community. The academy’s purpose is to continuously present and promote a positive image of law enforcement and their constitutionally mandated functions.
8. Explorer Post – Create a Law Enforcement Explorer Post to expose all Federation teens to a future career in law enforcement.
9. Hiring Guidelines – Establish hiring guidelines that will be fair and impartial to all the people of the Federation. I will continue to lead a police force that the people will trust to enforce the laws of the Federation fairly and firmly.
10. I will continue to be a Commissioner of Police that serves all the people of St. Kitts and Nevis without fear or favour or political intervention.