Weather: Wednesday 12th June 2024

issued at: 7 am Wednesday128th June 2024

Present Weather: Cloudy skies

Winds: A moderate breeze of 15mph from the Northeast

Temperature: 29°C / 84°F

Humidity: 71%

Sea Level Pressure: 1017.4mbs or 30.04”

Sunrise: Tom: 5:36 am

Sunset: Today: 6:44 pm

Weather Forecast Valid until 8 am Friday

Winds: East at 8 – 16 mph with lighter spells overnight.

Seas: 1 – 1.5m or 3 – 5ft.

Weather Forecast for St. Kitts & Nevis: Partly sunny skies in general with a 20 percent or slight chance of a brief morning shower. Weather tonight: Fair to partly cloudy skies in general.

Eastern Caribbean Forecast: Across the eastern Caribbean from the British Virgin Islands southwards to Trinidad & Tobago, we can expect fair to partly cloudy skies with a slight chance of a brief shower as relatively stable conditions continue to persist and restrict any significant shower activity over and around these islands during the next 24 hours.

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