Verchilds Hawks Blows Out CSS

Verchilds Hawks Blows Out CSS

DJ LALBO termed it a BLOW OUT and he could not have been more correct.
It was part of the Nevis Amateur Basketball Association’s Fathers’ day extravaganza, which was held at the Grell Hull-Stevens Netball complex, on Sunday 16th June.
After the impressive opening ceremony, two games were played, that featured the proverbial ‘battle of the narrows.’
In game one, the Verchilds High School, the champions of Secondary Schools’ Basketball in St. Kitts, came up against the recently crowned champions of High Schools’ Basketball in Nevis, the Charlestown Secondary School.
It was a highly anticipated game and a fair sized crowd was on hand to witness it.
From the first quarter however, it was obvious that the CSS team was no match for their Kittitian counterparts and the lead grew quarter by quarter.
Final score:

Verchilds Hawks 81 CSS Lions 46

First quarter VHS 20 CSS 11
Second quarter VHS 21 CSS 11
Third quarter VHS 21 CSS 16
Fourth quarter VHS 19 CSS 8

Half time score 41 to 22 in favor of VHS

VHS 81 points
TyQua Rodgers 25poi
Tan Phipps 22poi
JQuante Fraser 13poi
Jaylan Leader 9

CSS 46
Theon Queeley 10poi
Timothy Caines 8poi
Kejahno Williams 7poi
Aljoreece Gerald 5poi

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