Up Close & Personal with the 2013 Miss Culture Swim Wear Contestants- Zena Hyman

Up Close & Personal with the 2013  Miss Culture Swim Wear Contestants- Zena Hyman

1. What is your name and age, and where do you presently reside?
 Name: Zena Hyman
Address: Hamilton Estate
Age: 22
2. Name all Institutions where you’ve attained your education, from Pre School up.
 I was enrolled at the Gingerland Primary School and Gingerland Secondary School.

Zena Hyman
Zena Hyman

3. How would you describe yourself?
 A people person
 Creative Thinker
 Beautiful
 Funny
 Perfectionist
4. What is one thing about you that you like best and why?

 My best attribute is my Self Confidence. Self Confidence is the best accessory a girl can wear.

5. Outline the things you enjoy doing during your leisure time.
 Chill-axing with my friends
 Cooking
 Watching Television
 Cosmetology
6. What is your present occupation and are you enjoying it?
 Housekeeping and I love my job.

7. Are you presently involve / or were involved in any community groups, sports clubs, modeling agencies, red cross or such like? If so, what benefits do you get from this?
 I am currently not involved in any community groups or modeling agencies, however, after the Miss Culture Swimwear I would like to join a Modeling Agency.

8. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
 If I could change one thing about how I was raised, I would want to be more socializing with the community.

9. Name one person other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?
 Mr. Steven Clarke has made a great influence on my life. I started to work with Mr. Clarke when I was just 11 years old. He always taught me that life is one big opportunity and I should make the most of everything, and to always aim for the stars.

10. No matter how simple it is, what would you say is your proudest personal achievement to date?
 My proudest achievement was becoming a Mother. Only through the eyes of a child one can see that this world is a magical place.

11. Explain an embarrassing moment or situation that you remember happened to you. ( ha ha ha)
 My most embarrassing moment was walking in town and my pants fell down. lol

12. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?
 Anything that is too serious to be joked about is Rape, Abortion and Child-Abuse.

13. What would you say is your life’s mantra (motto)?
 My life’s mantra is “Life isn’t about learning how to weather the storm, but learning how to dance in the rain.”

14. What do you value most in a relationship?
 Unconditional Love
 Honesty
 Trust

15. Name a Song that always makes you think about a special person.
 Luther Vandross – I’d Rather Have Bad Times With You

16. If you could trade places with anyone in the world who would it be and why?
 If I could trade places with anyone in the world it would be Martin Luther King, because he has made a great impact on our lives. Although he passed away he continues to impact our lives.

17. If you were guaranteed honest responses to two questions by a world famous personality, whom would you question, and what would you ask?
 If I were guaranteed honest responses to two questions by a world famous personality it would have to be Barack Obama. MY two questions would be:
a. How does he maintain his composure through tough times?
b. How is it being a black president of the USA?

18. What was the high point of this year so far?
 The high point of my year is being afforded the opportunity of entering the Miss Culture Swimwear Competition and taking part in this year’s Culturama.

19. 10 years from now, what do you hope to have accomplished?
 In 10 years I wish to accomplish being a Certified Cosmetologist, earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and being an Advocate for Young Ladies.

20. Have you ever entered a pageant(s)? If so, name it/ them and your position placed.
 I never entered a pageant before.

21. Other than winning the Miss Culture Swim Wear Contest, what do you hope to achieved by being crowned Miss Culture Swim Wear 2013?
 Being an Advocate for Young Ladies

22. What do you want the judges to know about you?
 I would like the judges to know that I am very determined. I am confident knowing that I can master any task that comes my way, even if I do mess up it’s the recovery that counts.

23. Give three words that best describe Nevis’ Culturama.
 Togetherness
 Vibrant
 Spectacular

24. If you had one wish for Nevis’ Culturama, what would it be?

25. How are preparations for the Miss Culture Swim Wear Contest going so far?
 Preparations for the Miss Culture Swim Wear contest are going great so far and I am excited about the upcoming months.

26. Be truthful! How is the relationship with the other contestants?
 I love all the contestants.

27. Are you enjoying working with the planning committee?
Yes I am.
28. Is the pageant what you imagined it to be?
 No, the pageant is not what I imagined it to be.
29. From your experience so far, would you encourage other young ladies to enter the Miss Culture Swim Wear Contest? Why?
 From my experience so far with the pageant I would encourage more young ladies to enter the show and participate in the activities to help keep our culture alive. The informative sessions leading up to the show teaches one great interviewing skills, personal development skills etc.

30. Lights, Camera! Action! You are announced Miss Culture Swim Wear 2013…..What would be your first reaction? (LOL)
 My first reaction would be to run across the stage………….
31. Favorite color:
 Sky Blue
32. Favorite gadget:
 My Blackberry

33. Favorite Wardrobe item:
 Cigarette Jeans and Baby T’s

34. Favorite TV Show:
 Love & Hip-Hop

35. Favorite local food:
 Johnny Cake & Saltfish

36. Favorite local song:
 Nevis Nice by King Meeko

37. Favorite local band:
 Ultra Sonics

38. Favorite time period of the day:
 Mid-day

39. Favorite Place to be:
 Imagining I am in Hawaii on the beach

40. Favorite body part (lol)
 My hips

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