Tri-ambulettes new to Nevis not region, says Nevis health official

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (February 25, 2014) — Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health Nicole Slack-Liburd told those gathered on the grounds of the Alexandra Hospital on February 24, 2014, for the handing over of three tri-ambulettes that though the vehicles were new to Nevis they were not new to the region.

Tri-ambulette so be stationed at the Alexandra Hospital. It is one of three given to the Nevis Island Administration by the Federal Government, a gift it received from Dubai, United Arab Emirates

The three emergency response vehicles which were a part of a gift to the Federal Government from the Dubai, United Arab Emirates was given to the Nevis Island Administration for use in its health care delivery to the people of Nevis.

“Over the last two weeks we, at the Nevis Island Administration, have gone through the process of evaluating these ambulettes, licensing them and providing some signage… [There] are three tri ambulettes, two for the Public Health Department and one for the Alexandra Hospital…

“These vehicles can be seen throughout the region, the United Arab Emirates have donated these tri-ambulettes to many islands including Antigua, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Dominica, Barbados is yet another, Grenada, so we are not alone.” she explained.

Liburd stated that the Ministry of Health had identified the areas in which the tri-ambulettes would be best suited.

“The tri-ambulettes will be used in the health sector here on Nevis. We have identified their variety of uses for these ambulettes, including stationing them at sporting events such as Inter-Primary. We know we are in the heart of sports season and they will also be utilized, for example, in post-hurricane situations where ambulances will not be able to access areas easily. They will not replace ambulances but rather assist in the provision of healthcare delivery here on the island.

“In addition to the ambulettes, they are also generously equipped with ambu-bags and so, when they are deployed, the necessary equipment to provide services will be available on board,” she said.

: Administrator of Nevis’ Alexandra Hospital Gary Pemberton

Meantime, Hospital Administrator Gary Pemberton spoke to the importance of the emergency vehicle to the Alexandra Hospital and the issue of safety.

“We, here at the hospital, provide quality service to all of Nevis and certainly, we will be using these ambulettes in certain situations. If there is an emergency and it is at a remote location, we should be able to get easy access to that area. So these equipment, even though they are new to our culture, I am sure we will be able to get accustomed to seeing them on our roads.

“We at the Hospital and the Ministry of Health by extension, will be using these effectively and will be using them as safely as possible. So the general public, you should not be concerned in terms of the safety of this equipment. We are aware of where and when they should be used and certainly, we, at the Hospital will be making every effort to ensure that our patients and the persons who will be using these vehicles are safe at all times,” he said.

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