The way I see it, Nevis has in a lot of people Bwoy!
Now why do I say that? On Thursday 9th June, I was faced with a bit of a dilemma. I wanted to attend two funeral services but both of them were starting at 3.00 pm and at opposite ends of town.
I made the extra effort to complete all of my work assignments in good time and that took me up until close to 1.30 pm.
Got some lunch and opted to go firstly to the New Testament Church in Bath Village to attend the funeral service of a former coworker of mine, Madeleine Isles.
The church was packed to overflowing; the tent outside was filled up and there were many people standing on the exterior.
I was pleased at the grand show of support exhibited by the entire Social Security Board and staff in not only showing up in their uniforms but rendering two outstanding musical selections (even though I told my good friend Landa not to sing too hard); an excellent tribute in poetry by Walter Morton and a wonderful tribute by the boss, Vernel Powell, who as per usual, was in his element.
I stayed around until 4.00 pm and then made a dash for the Charlestown Methodist church, where Miss Liburd “MAMA” was the feature, in her home going service. I had to go to this one. After all, she was the mother of one of my former class mates, Kenneth Liburd. One thing about us classmates, we always look to support each other, in times of joy or grief.
I was expecting a small crowd. To my shock, the big Methodist church building was packed-at least downstairs and lots of folks on the outside.
I marveled, thinking to myself: Nevis has in a lot of people Bwoy.
Well I newa!
I arrived in time, to get the centerpiece of an outstanding sermon by Pastor Kelly, as he appealed to us his hearers to make our calling and election sure, before it was eternally too late.
I then went to the burial site. This was easier. I flipped between the two funerals and I realized that I was not the only one doing it.
I took in two songs at this one; then another two at that one and so I was flipping between the two.
I was particularly impressed by the family oriented type of support exhibited by the people of Barnes Ghaut.
Barnes Ghaut has produced some wonderful people and Bwoy they sang and danced up a storm to the wonderful strains of Rohan Claxton on keyboards.
Then I left and then it was time for reflections.
Two wonderful persons had passed on at opposite levels of the age spectrum. One was only 44, another victim of the cancer scourge and the other had lived to the ripe old age of 93. Now what lessons can we draw from this?
Firstly, we can all go at any time. Age is not a deterrent to death. Secondly, both had made significant contributions in their separate fields, to family and community. That was demonstrated by the show of love and support from the general public.
Thirdly, it forced me to face myself and think. I asked myself: ‘Self have you done anything worthwhile for your community and your fellow men? Self is your life being lived in accordance with God’s will?
And out of that I realized that I am still falling very short. There are still many things that I need to accomplish for myself and towards helping humanity. I still have faults and failures that I still have to overcome but I thank God for his mercies and his grace and I again pledged to him that I will give him my all—-with all of my frailties and asked him to help me to be a positive role model always. Cause guess what? I want to go to heaven.
How about you dear reader? We can pretend as much as we want that we do not care about issues of eternal salvation but there will come a time when we will all have to give account.
Let us strive by Gods’ grace to seek to do right to all men; live right by his grace and his word and stay on the strait and narrow path.
May it please you……am done.
That’s the way I see it. How do you see it?