The Way I See It

The Way I See It

A weekly feature by Curtis Morton Sr. 

The way I see it, we only exist by the grace of God.

As a matter of fact, every day that God loans us breath should be another day of celebration and another opportunity to live for him.

Some people who live careless lives, in persisting with life-threatening habits, such as consuming alcohol and smoking, would comfort themselves with such thoughts as: ’No matter what you do, you are going to die anyway! You can be walking down the street and a car knocks you down. What difference does it make, if I drink or smoke myself to death? We are going to die anyway!”

Let me plug two quick holes into that theory:
1. If we seek to take care of the body temple that God loaned to us, the law of averages statistically, indicates, that we will generally live longer and more meaningful lives.
2. We will all have to give an account for the lives we live, to the great master creator. If we live careless, carefree lives, we will end up in hell. If we seek to live lives in accordance with God’s will, he will take us with him to heaven at last.  So there!

With all the talk of corona, with AIDS currently taking a back seat and Dengue fever, once again poking its ugly nose in the region, the focus this month is on breast cancer.

I listened recently with intrigue to Ms. Kamara Lee, an outstanding daughter of the soil, narrate her journey in dealing with breast cancer.  She spoke about the shock of learning that what was an initial discomfort in the vicinity of her breasts, was actually diagnosed as breast cancer.

She spoke of the tears; the hiding of information from loved ones, as she attempted to deal with the dreaded news.  Then she spoke to resilience, as she later made up her mind to fight this disease.

She spoke of the ugly thought of removing some of her greatest ‘assets’-her breasts and pointed to the fact, that that is one of the fears of cancer patients – having to lose their breasts in the process.

She spoke of bravely giving permission for her breasts (both), to be removed and then getting reconstructive surgery.

She must have been a source of encouragement for all those who may have endured similar trauma.

Then I remembered the ultimate heroine.  Lea Parris Cambridge, who after she was diagnosed with breast cancer, fought a brave fight with the scourge, beating it for nigh on eleven years, before she eventually succumbed.

She survived well beyond the much-shortened life span that doctors had predicted.

Well I newa!

Her ultimate change in lifestyle, which involved total trust in God, eating more nutritious meals of fruits, grains, nuts and drinking plenty of water, along with her regular exercise routine, all helped in a big way to prolong the life she loved and gave her an extended stay with her beloved husband and children, even helping to prepare them for her ultimate demise.

Hers is a story of bravery; resilience; trust in God and sacrificing her time, resources and energy, to help others who have been affected by the scourge.

This support is not only extended to the cancer patients but also to their hurting families.

We thank God for the pioneering efforts of the late Lea Parris Cambridge and we say thanks for the continued efforts of her sister Tracey and the entire Pink Lily cancer care team, for their continued sacrificial giving.

God wants us to live healthy lives, but as time runs out quickly on this side of heaven, we will be faced with more and more trauma and drama.

God wants us to trust him and be guided by the way, he prescribed we should take care of these precious bodies that he loaned us.

Remember, we have to give an account of our stewardship in the final analysis.

That’s the way I see it. How do you see it?

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