The Local Weather Forecast for St Kitts and Nevis

Valid up to 8 am tomorrow Monday 22nd July 2024.

Today’s Temps

High 33oC 91oF

Low 26oC 79oF

Partly Cloudy
Synopsis: Relatively dry and stable atmospheric conditions supported by a surface high pressure will tend to maintain stable weather conditions across the region. Available low-level moisture could trigger a few passing showers.

Weather today: Partly cloudy with a 20 per cent or slight chance of a few brief showers

Weather tonight: Partly cloudy with a 40 per cent or moderate chance of a few passing showers

Winds: Easterly 16 to 29 km/h or 10 to 18 mph.

Seas: 1.2 to 1.5 metres or 4 to 5 feet..

Sunset today: 6:47 pm.

Sunrise tomorrow: 5:47 am.

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