The Local Weather Forecast for St Kitts and Nevis

The Local Weather Forecast for St Kitts and Nevis

Valid up to 8 am tomorrow Saturday 22nd March 2025.

Today’s Temps
High 33oC

Low 20oC

Fair to Partly Cloudy/ Moderate chance of a brief localised shower
Synopsis: The presence of a weak trough coupled with light southeasterly winds and daytime heating could trigger periods of localized shower activity across the area today, becoming drier and more stable by tonight.

The weather today: Partly sunny skies in general, with brief cloudy spells and a 40 per cent or moderate chance of a brief localized shower.

Weather tonight: Fair to partly cloudy and cool conditions.

Winds: Southeast at 7 to 19 km/h or 5 to 12 mph becoming variable or calm at times.

Seas: 1 to 1.5 metres or 3 to 5 feet.

Sunset today: 6:22 pm.

Sunrise tomorrow: 6:13 am.

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