The Local Weather Forecast for St Kitts and Nevis

The Local Weather Forecast for St Kitts and Nevis

February 2025.

Today’s Temps
High 30oC

Low 22oC

Partly Cloudy

Synopsis: A tight pressure gradient across the region will continue to maintain a moderate wind flow. These winds will also maintain hazardous seas across the area.

Weather today: Partly sunny with a 20 percent or a slight chance of showers.

Weather tonight: Partly cloudy with a 20 percent or a slight chance of showers.

Winds: East at 19 to 37 km/h or 12 to 23 mph and gusting to 56 km/h or 35 mph..

Seas: 1.5 to 2.4 metres or 5 to 8 feet. A small craft advisory is in effect..

Sunset today: 6:13 pm.

Sunrise tomorrow: 6:36 am.

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