The Local Weather Forecast for St Kitts and Nevis

Valid up to 8 am tomorrow, Monday 30th December 2024.

Today’s Temps

High 30oC

Low 20oC

Fair to Ptly Cldy/ Moderate chance of a brief shower

Synopsis: A relatively stable and cool airmass will continue to move into the area from the north and restrict any meaningful shower activity over and around the islands during the next 24 hours.

The weather today: Partly sunny skies in general with a 20 per cent or slight chance of a brief light shower.

Weather tonight: Fair to partly cloudy and cool conditions with a 40 per cent or moderate chance of a brief passing overnight shower.

Winds: North-northeast at 11 to 26 km/h or 7 to 16 mph, becoming lighter and variable at times.

Seas: Consist of northerly swells reaching 1.8 to 2.8 metres or 6 to 9 feet. Therefore, a high surf warning is in effect.

Sunset today: 5:47 pm.

Sunrise tomorrow: 6:40 am.

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