Swimming and Sailing : Nevis Aquatic and Sailing Center Christmas Greeting and Review Of 2021

Swimming and Sailing   : Nevis Aquatic and Sailing Center Christmas Greeting and Review Of 2021

NASC Announces Programs for 2022

The Nevis Aquatic and Sailing Center ends a record-breaking year. New Year plans are already in place to expand the Center’s offer and opportunities for the local community.

2021 at NASC was a year of unparalleled growth.

The Youth Sail program saw a doubling of young Nevisians attending.

There are now 25 sailors, two participated in the St Martin international sailing competition and most in 3 successful domestic Regattas.

NASC enjoys financial support from the SKN Olympic Committee in recognition of its commitment to growing the skills of these young sailors.

The Adult Sail program was launched and has grown to a highly motivated and fun group of sailors who just don’t want to stop.

The majority were beginners learning from scratch.

The Swim and Aquatics Program grew from local demand following the Summer Camp.

NASC offers swim lessons each Saturday morning with an emphasis on small groups and a high instructor/ swimmer ratio. The priority is quality teaching in a safe environment.

All ages are welcome.

40 swimmers are registered, some of whom had a real fear of the water. They have made tangible progress, grown in confidence and demanded an early restart in 2022 to maintain momentum.

The Swim and Aquatics Program is inclusive, offering classes to toddlers with one parent in the water.

The Department of Youth launched a successful Beach Games day at the Center at Easter.

This is a new Olympic Sport that NASC will incorporate in future activities. NASC also values the continued support we have received from the Department of Sport. NASC offered its annual Sail and Aquatic Camps at Easter and in the summer.

Qualified instructors ran courses in sail, aquatics, marine biology and conservation.

Whilst the emphasis is on learning new skills, fun activities include beach games, a catamaran snorkeling trip, a pizza flotilla sail to Yachtsman’s Grill and kayak races.

Students were made aware of their responsibility to the ocean environment with time set aside for a beach cleanup. Camps operate from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm each day, stretching these young people, leaving them tired but happy.

NASC was excited to host its first women’s empowerment event, steering the Course, in partnership with World Sailing and the department of Health and Gender Affairs. This global event took place in October. 50 women and teenage girls visited the Center for the first time.

Hon. Hazel Brandy-Williams, gave an inspirational speech encouraging women to embrace their marine backyard.

The Minister expressed a commitment to a long-term partnership with NASC to build on the success of the day.

Through 2022 we will put in place an Aqua Aerobics program, a mid-week Adult Sail class and repeat a Women’s Day event on a regular basis.

The year ended with a day of celebration for both the Swim and Aquatics and Youth Sail Programs. Participants in the Swim Classes relished their introduction to kayaking and paddleboarding. Certificates were presented acknowledging each student’s progress.

NASC organized registrations and transport to the St Kitts Yacht Club’s 8th Annual Peninsula Swim. Nevis swimmers represented well.

Finally, last weekend, the Center joined the St Kitts Yacht Club at the “Big Splash” an annual event of sail racing and socializing, for different boat categories and all ages. All this was only possible with the loyal support of our members. Members’ financial support was up 250% on the previous year.

Program registrations more than doubled in 2021 despite the Pandemic.

This was possible because NASC maintains a very disciplined and tight structure. Our accounts are accessible and meet the requirements of the Nevis ‘Not For Profit’ Companies ordinance. We maintain liability insurance for everything we do at $1m.

Safety has remained our number one concern, particularly with COVID. All our instructors are vaccinated. No Directors are remunerated in any way and we rely on our fabulous volunteers to support our growing activities.

You can be assured that every $1 given to NASC goes directly to the front line and enables us to keep local participant costs down.

2022 – Onwards and upwards.

Youth and Adult Sail programs restart on 8/9 January. We will be reaching out to schools and community organizations to increase participation in activities that grow the self-confidence and ambition of young Nevisians.

This is proving to be a transformative program.

We are very fortunate to have an expert team of instructors led by Nick Dupre, Nickhail Rogers and Jubal Sargent.

The swim will restart on 22nd January.

We hope many swimmers will eventually feel confident enough to transfer to learn to sail and water sports.

James Weekes leads our team of trained swim instructors.

James’ contribution to teaching swimming on Nevis over the past 10 years is remarkable. It is so positive there is now the opportunity to learn to swim with either NASC, Swim to win or James’ program for advanced swimmers.

There will be a fundraiser and fun Regatta event on the 29th Jan and at the end of March.

NASC will run Easter Camp (April 4th -14th) and Summer Camps (August 8th-26th) Booby Island Regatta will be held on 1 May 2022.

The Barts Bash Regatta will be held on 10th/11th Sept and two further domestic Regattas throughout the year.

NASC will be expanding the Center’s offer to include Boat Rentals and private tuition. All dates and events together with the ability to register and pay online can be found on our website: nevisaquaticandsailingcenter.com

2022 will be an exciting year. We hope you will think hard about being part of it whether as a member, volunteer or participant.

The Center is open most weekends – so all are welcome to drop by and see what we do or contact us directly through the website.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

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