(Department of Creative Economy, St. Kitts: The Media Launch of the inaugural “Swank” Creative Cultural Music Challenge on Friday, September 20th, 2024, revealed the potential reach of culturally rich songs that showcase the sayings, culinary arts, and living experiences of the nationals and residents of St. Kitts and Nevis.

Minister Samal Duggins, responsible for Sports, The Creative Economy, Entertainment, and The Arts, outlined that the songs to be composed and produced must be culturally relevant. He emphasized that the songs will document the lived experiences of the people of St. Kitts and Nevis for future generations to appreciate.
Director of Culture Pierre Liburd expressed excitement about the introduction of cultural initiatives, including “Swank.” He invited creatives in the music industry to infuse more cultural elements into their music, such as showcasing cultural foods, local crafts, and unique experiences of the Federation.
The competition, “Swank,” provides an opportunity for nationals, including those in the diaspora, to connect with their cultural heritage through music. Ambassador Keeshan Henry, also known as DJ Tero, encouraged individuals affiliated with the music industry to participate in “Swank” and utilize various digital platforms to promote their music.
Registration for “Swank” is currently open until Friday, November 1st, 2024. Competitors have the chance to win up to $10,000, with awards for Best Lyrical Composition, Best Riddim, and People’s Choice. Interested individuals can find more information on Facebook @ ich skn or @ skn ich, or by emailing ich@gov.kn or calling 662-9053.