Washington, DC – Her Excellency Jacinth Henry-Martin, in her capacity as Chair of the Committee on Hemispheric Security (CHS) and Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Saint Kitts and Nevis to the Organization of American States (OAS), recently met with Rear Admiral João Batista Barbosa, Head of the Brazilian Representation at the Inter-American Defense Board (IADB), and his delegation. The discussions focused on strengthening the ties between Brazil and Saint Kitts and Nevis in the context of regional security and defense cooperation.
As Chair of the CHS, Ambassador Henry-Martin has been invited to attend the forum, where she will underscore the importance of multilateral collaboration in ensuring regional security.
During her meeting with the Brazilian delegation, she reaffirmed Saint Kitts and Nevis’ commitment as a small island state to active engagement on regional and hemispheric security issues. She emphasized the Federation’s dedication to fostering closer relations with OAS Member States to strengthen defense cooperation and build resilient security infrastructure in support of democracy across the Americas.
One of the key highlights of the LAAD Defense and Security Tradeshow will be an exhibition by Embraer, a leading Brazilian multinational aerospace corporation founded in 1969. Embraer is the third-largest producer of civil aircraft worldwide, following Boeing and Airbus, and specializes in the development and manufacturing of aircraft, aviation systems, and related technical services. With a global presence spanning the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Europe, Embraer remains a cornerstone of Brazil’s defense and aerospace industry.
The Brazilian delegation accompanying Rear Admiral Barbosa included Mr. Marcelo Lacerda Gameiro de Moura, First Secretary/Alternate Representative to the OAS; Captain Adilson Cappucci Junior, Navy Attaché; Colonel Marcos Lehmkuhl De Souza, Army Attaché; and Colonel Gabriel Henriques De Oliveira Farias, Air Force Attaché. Also in attendance was Mrs. Adelcia Connor-Ferlance, Third Secretary and Alternate Representative for Saint Kitts and Nevis to the OAS.
The meeting reaffirmed the shared commitment of Saint Kitts, Nevis and Brazil to enhancing regional security cooperation and exploring new avenues for collaboration. Ambassador Henry-Martin’s participation in LAAD 2025 will further underscore the role of small states in shaping security frameworks within the hemisphere, ensuring a collective approach to maintaining peace and stability in the region.