STEP Nevis to Host the STEP Caribbean Conference 2025

STEP Nevis to Host the STEP Caribbean Conference 2025

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS – The Premier and Minister of Finance Hon. Mark Brantley has extended congratulations to the Nevis Branch of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (“STEP Nevis”) on its successful bid to host the STEP Caribbean Conference 2025 in May 2025.

The Premier remarked that the successful bid speaks to the vibrancy of the Nevis Financial Services Sector which has continued to thrive, and in recent times, has been experiencing noticeable growth. The Premier has also reiterated his determination that the sector can grow by 50% over the next 3 years and notes that with our supportive legislative environment, service providers would find Nevis to be a welcoming and profitable jurisdiction. As a well-regulated jurisdiction, Nevis offers both transparency and respect for legitimate client confidentiality in their financial dealings. The jurisdiction also offers competitive pricing, a sophisticated work force and modern light-touch regulation.

Nevis is “open for business” says Premier Brantley and welcomes financial services providers who are interested in diversifying their offerings, to establish businesses in Nevis. Further, the Premier offered the assurance that “our signature legislation, the Nevis International Exempt Trust Ordinance (“NIETO”), thought by many to contain the most efficient asset protection statutory provisions in the world, remains unchanged.” The Premier says that “NIETO has done well for us over the past two decades and it will continue to enjoy pride of place in our suite of financial services legislation.”

The STEP Caribbean Conference, to be held at the Marriott Resort in Saint Kitts from 14th to 16th May, will bring 250 practitioners of trust and estates law, and financial services providers from the Caribbean, the UK, the USA, Latin America and Europe for two and a half days of discussions on the latest legislative developments and technologies impacting their practices. On the closing evening of the conference delegates will visit Nevis for an evening of cultural entertainment and Nevisian hospitality at the Malcolm Guishard Recreational Park.

STEP Nevis was launched in 2010 under the leadership of Ms. Shawna Lake, with the sponsorship of Mrs. Hélène Anne Lewis who was then Chair of the STEP BVI Branch. The Caribbean Conference was last hosted by STEP Nevis in 2012. Mrs. Lewis went on to become Chair of STEP Worldwide, is currently Chair of STEP Nevis and will Chair the 2025 Caribbean Conference. She is also the Legal Advisor to the NIA Cabinet. Mrs. Lewis says she is “privileged to be chairing the STEP Caribbean at this time of exponential growth of the financial services sector in Nevis,” and feels strongly that “the Conference will bring significant enhanced attention to Nevis.”

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