St. Kitts and Nevis Students on Dean’s List WIU

St. Kitts and Nevis Students on Dean’s List WIU

Twelve students from the SKN Federation earned a place on the Dean’s List at  last semester. These undergraduate students, part of a growing cohort at the university, all achieved GPAs above 3.6, with several attaining a perfect 4.0 GPA for the semester.

The recognized students are:
– Zania Zario Z. Chumney (Senior)
– Basmattie Beephat (Senior)
– Breandra Anushka S. Liburd (Senior)
– Amira Theora Bertie (Senior)
– Romario Armani Dante Daniel (Senior)
– Malyka Dziah Howell (Senior)
– Shanai Lizbeth Liburd (Senior)
– Keandre Dejaunelle Matthew (Sophomore)
– Clerique T. S. Ward (Senior)
– Aidan Nathaniel Mikaili Williams (Senior)
– Hailey Ariana Caitland Morris (Senior)
– Dijonne Abiola Hanley (Senior)

Students from SNK Federation and other Caribbean regions continue to excel academically, with nearly 70 students from the sub-region making the Spring 2024 Dean’s List. University President Kristi Mindrup has recognized the Caribbean as an area of notable excellence among the undergraduate student body.

Typically, SNK students begin their studies online before transitioning to complete them in the USA. WIU Scholarships are awarded based on local college or CAPE achievements, covering a significant portion of tuition for high-performing students. Top students are eligible to compete for the International Presidential Scholarship, which offers full tuition coverage. Western Illinois University is a state institution with an excellent reputation, having been in operation for over 125 years.

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