St Kitts and Nevis: Know five ambassadors for 2022/23 National Carnival Queen Pageant

St Kitts and Nevis: Know five ambassadors for 2022/23 National Carnival Queen Pageant
St Kitts and Nevis: Know five ambassadors for 2022/23 National Carnival Queen Pageant

St Kitts and Nevis: St Kitts and Nevis National Carnival announced the five ambassadors who will compete in the 2022/23 National Carnival Queen Pageant.

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Sponsor: St.Kitts Music Festival

A dash of humbleness, an abundance of ambition, a sprinkle of charm and love are just a few ingredients needed to create the beauty known as, Trevicia Edwards, born on 14th September 1998. A woman of class who is diligent and hardworking.

Having graduated from the Maurice Hillier Primary School, Trevicia matriculated to the Basseterre High School where she participated in her first pageant Miss Basseterre High School. She was an athlete, who represented BHS in the TDC Inter-High School Championships, a member of the Rotaract club and held the privilege of being the Captain of Blue House. She has received numerous medals, trophies and titles for her athletic talent.

Worthy of note, she spends her free time with family and friends or enjoys her favourite hobby dancing and expressing her feelings through emotions. Trevicia believes in active community service and always finds time to interact and assist people in her community. In the midst of adversity, she holds on to scripture which she adapted as her personal motto “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. This verse has guided her through all of life’s challenges and affairs.

Additionally, it serves as a reminder that when all things fail, God never will. She carries her burdens to Christ and places her faith in God.

Presently, she is employed at S. L. Horsfords Valu Mart, and it is her hope to one day become the entrepreneur she was destined to be. Her business will be to offer hair braiding services to all and teach the importance of healthy hair. She starts her journey as an ambassador in the St. Kitts Nevis National Carnival Queen Pageant 2022 and her platform is dubbed “To Overcome Adversity By Defying Social Challenges”. Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible -Francis of Assisi. Look out world for Trevicia Edwards is coming your way.

Sponsor: FLOW

Born on August 23rd, 1997 and hailing from the self-proclaimed ‘Hub City’ of Sandy Point, Ackila Hanley is no stranger to confidence, enthusiasm and humility. She is guided by the philosophy “Those Who Fail to Learn from History Are Doomed to Repeat It” by Winston Churchill. These words are reflected through her proclivity to embrace her mistakes and move forward with her new-found wisdom. As history has taught her, growth can only be found outside of her comfort zone.

Her scholastic development began at the Sandy Point Primary School in the year 2002, then at the Charles E. Mills Secondary School formerly known as the Sandy Point High School where she so passionately used dance as an instrument of growth and as an avenue to exude the enthusiasm contained within her.

In an effort to further her personal development, she entered her first pageant at her Secondary School denominated Miss. Fifth Form in 2015. Ackila shied away from pageantry for a number of years as she began to become more reticent. Providentially, the opportunity to participate in the Miss Black San Swimsuit Pageant 2019 knocked on her door. Living up to her mantra, she used it as a medium to redefine herself and break out of the shell that she had managed to crawl into.

In that same year, she discovered a new love and passion by becoming a promotional model. Additionally in 2020, during the lockdown brought on by the Covid-19 Pandemic, she developed a fervor for editorial modeling/content creation where she creates concepts for photoshoots and dreams of becoming a mentor to inspire young girls who aspire to become models, which is also aligned with her goal to become an Educator.

Ackila is currently an Embroidery Machine Operator as well as a T-shirt Printing Expert. She has decided to take a bold step in participating in this year’s St. Kitts Nevis National Carnival Queen Pageant. As an ambassador in this year’s pageant, she wishes to make a statement, “Individuals with tattoos should not be stigmatized as they too are a form of expression and the arts”.

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Sponsor: The Cable

“A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances instead of your circumstances having power over you.” -Joyce Meyers, On March 30th, 1997, a precious diamond Mikhalia Stephens was born. She is the first child of Monica Dacon and Michael Stephens whom she developed many of her positive attributes including her strength, courage, and ambition.

Mikhalia attended the Tucker Clarke Primary School and the Beach Allen Primary School where she later graduated. Subsequently, she enrolled at the Washington Archibald High School where she completed her C.X.C examinations. She later attended Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College and achieved an Associate’s Degree in Accounting and Business Management in 2015. Her passion for Accounting led her to pursue an Accounting degree at the University of The West Indies.

Mikhalia is a proud employee of The Nagico Insurance Company as a Customer Service Representative/Accounts Clerk for the past six years. This work experience has taught her the importance of compassion, punctuality, empathy and exemplary customer service.

Miss. Stephens pride herself as being very intellectual, talented and most importantly, a respectful young lady with hopes to make a positive change in the world someday. Over the years, she has seen pageantry as a platform to showcase her strengths and as an outlet to educate and empower other young people that are driven by success and determination.

Her hobbies are modelling, baking, reading, and rendering community services through the St. Kitts Girls Guide Association. It is an utmost pleasure for her to compete in St. Kitts National Carnival Queen pageant and for her to focus more on her platform: “Building Entrepreneurship in Young People”. She always wanted to be granted the chance to positively impact and assist persons.

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Sponsor: Carib Brewery (St. Kitts-Nevis) Ltd.

“As a man thinketh in his mind, so is he.” This mantra has served as the quintessential source of inspiration for Charissa Caesar. Born on the 6th of May 2000, Charissa (affectionately called ChaCha) has always known that she was placed on this earth for a great purpose. Born into a single-parent household of humble means, this 22-year-old has never ceased in her quest to achieve a higher level of self. Her many experiences have positioned her to ascertain some of life’s most treasured values – hard work, dedication, and constant self-improvement.

In keeping with her proclivity for constant improvement, Charissa has applied herself to the best of her ability to secure a sound primary, secondary and immediate post-secondary education. She was raised in the St. Paul’s area and began her educational journey at St. Paul’s Primary School. From there, she attended the Charles E. Mills Secondary School, where she completed and passed the majority of her CSEC subjects before she even progressed to 5th Form. Charissa then moved on to the prestigious Clarence Bryant College where she completed studies in Law. Her passion for learning and determination to succeed served as the driving force for her impressive academic achievements and continue to propel her toward pursuing her legal career.

Her reserved demeanor often disguises her true comedic and vivacious personality. She enjoys a variety of activities such as exercising and hair styling, while still finding time to lend a helping hand by tutoring children in the St. Paul’s community. This nurturing spirit has cultivated a desire in her to be a philanthropist someday and establish an institution that caters to underprivileged children. Her involvement in community life has also allowed her to forge friendships and connections that have been instrumental in encouraging her to press further in life.

Charissa is guided by the virtues instilled within her since her formative years. She strives to make an indelible mark on our Federation and has chosen to use her platform to help break the stigma surrounding a prevalent issue within our society: Domestic Violence against Women. Having been directly impacted by this in a very tragic way, Charissa hopes to facilitate meaningful conversation around the matter and give a voice to the voiceless. Her dream is that one day, all women can live in a world where they feel protected and are allowed to thrive

Sponsor: Royal St.Kitts Hotel

The second of three sisters and raised in the community of New Town, St Kitts, Shafeyah Guishard is considered by family and friends as an introvert. Shafeyah was born on 25th August 2000 to Mother Donna Maccou and Glenroy Guishard. She attended Tucker Clarke Primary School, graduated from the Washington Archibald High School, and later advanced her studies at the Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College where she majored in Entrepreneurship.

Shafeyah is known throughout the federation as a fashionista, fashion designer, writer, and model. She honed her dressmaking skills in Clothing and Textiles class at the Washington Archibald High School. Shafeyah took a chance of faith when she designed and made her prom dress and won the title of Prom Queen, in 2017. Shafeyah claims that fashion designing, fashion and style is an escape from her mental imprisonment. Through fashion, she has learned about who she is and what she can become.

She draws her inspiration from the women around her who she considers as unique, optimistic, and outgoing individuals who continuously encourage her to never give up on her dreams and what she is passionate about.

In 2019 Shafeyah showcased her fashion line, “R3beloutte Couture”, at the New York Fashion Week. Having battled with depression, anxiety and eating disorders, Shafeyah has had a front row view of the negative effects of mental illness; the primary reason for her wanting to become a voice for the voiceless. Shafeyah recognizes one category that is voiceless in our society and desperately needs to be heard, is our men. She vows to be an advocate and bring awareness to the importance of mental health for our men.

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