Social Services Director welcomes new female Minister charged with Women’s Affairs on Nevis

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (March 06, 2013) –Director of Social Services in the Ministry of Social Development on Nevis Ms. Sandra Maynard, publicly welcomed new Minister responsible for Social Development and by extension Women’s Affairs Hon. Hazel Brandy-Williams,citing that it was an auspicious and strategic position she held in the Nevis Island Government to address the needs of the island’s women.

Ms. Maynard’s commendations came while she delivered opening remarks at the start of a one-day Pre-International Women’s Day Symposium hosted by the Social Services Department on March 5th, 2013 at the Mount Nevis Hotel.

I am sure that she understands the hopes and expectations of the females in this room and across our island. We will admit, with no disrespect to our male leaders past, present or future, that we expect one of us [women] to have more of a keen appreciation for our needs, our desires, our struggles and expectations. We expect here to rise to the occasion and help us in our steps to achieve these,” she said.

The Director further noted that the Department [Women’s Affairs] looked forward to working alongside Mrs. Brandy-Williams with regard to a number of women-related issues, among them domestic violence; the emotional well-being of women and girls; the economic struggles of women given the current financial crisis; raising the standard of living for disadvantaged single mothers and the implementation of the new National Social Protection Strategy which had the potential for a positive impact on women and children.

Ms. Maynard added that with the Minister’s strong background in Finance and budgeting perhaps for the first time Gender Sensitive Budgeting would begin to have some meaning to all at the Department.

However, she reminded the women present at the Symposium their assistance was important to achieve those goals.

To achieve all of this, the Department, Ministry and our newly-appointed Minister will need your support. It is an opportunity for a fresh start. So I welcome you and thank you for taking time from your busy schedule today to join us in this activity as we work towards the development of women,” she said.

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