SM 52 PR01 Dates for Sugar Mas 52 Released

SM 52 PR01 Dates for Sugar Mas 52 Released

The dates for Sugar Mas 52 were released on Monday, May 22, 2023, by the St. Kitts & Nevis National Carnival Committee. St. Kitts and Nevis will celebrate fifty-two (52) years of National Carnival from December 2023 to January 2024 and plans are afoot to ensure that Sugar Mas remains the best Carnival in the region.

Via all of The St Kitts Nevis National Carnival Committee (SKNNCC) Social Media platforms, it was revealed that Sugar Mas 52 will be celebrated from FRIDAY DECEMBER 15, 2023 TO TUESDAY JANUARY 2, 2024.

This announcement created an instant buzz among stakeholders as it now gives Carnival Lovers over six (6) months to plan for the largest festival in St Kitts Nevis.

Earlier this year, when answering questions regarding Sugar Mas 51, Minister of The Creative Economy, Hon. Samal Duggins stated, “We are already well engaged in the planning of our National Carnival for 2023/24. Unlike 22/23 where we were a bit late in our announcements, we want to start putting out things as early as June this year”.

The Minister surely has lived up to his commitment and it is expected that the Minister will shortly reveal a number of changes to be expected for Sugar Mas 52.

The National Carnival Committee also launched the Sugar Mas 52 Slogan Contest. Residents and Nationals are encouraged to submit entries to Submissions should be creative, catchy, and not longer than ten (10)syllables. All slogans should be received by Thursday, June 15, 2023, to qualify. A cash prize of EC$500.00 will be awarded to the winner.

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