Charlestown-Nevis-The Single Parents Support group on Nevis, held its annual workshop at the Red Cross conference room on Wednesday 7th December.

The opening ceremony was ably chaired by Miss Lydia Lawrence and the opening prayer was given by Miss Verline Amory.

Coordinator of the Single parents support group, Mrs. Grace Manners, noted that the day’s proceedings were being held under the theme ‘Because we care.’

In giving a brief overview of the group and the workshop, she pointed out that the workshop was meant to enhance and empower the women.

She noted that her group gave a donation in May, to a resident of St. George’s, to assist with medical expenses.

Single parents’ day was also celebrated this year for the first time with activities which included morning sessions on Von radio, round table discussions and the annual donation of scholarship to needy Primary school students.

A Skills training workshop in sewing was also held and eleven persons graduated.

She stated that the session for the day’s workshop would be as follows:

Session one-‘Cancer the number one plague in our society-what you need to know.

Session two-Coping with this plague-A family member and a survivor’s experience-referring to CANCER.

Session three –‘The positive and negative effects of social media.’

Miss Michelle Freeman delivered an inspiring poem and she was followed by the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Social Development, Mr. Keith Glasgow who in his upbeat address, noted that the group’s motto is ‘transforming and empowering singles to be greater parents’.

He noted that parenting is a lengthy stage in life. ‘Once a parent –always a parent.’ He stated that there should be a deliberate effort to equip parents and parents to be, with the knowledge, skills and attitudes for success.

‘Proper parenting should not be left to chance and failure must not be an option.’

He further indicated that parents providing support for each other, provide SYNERGY.

The vote of thanks was delivered by Miss Michelle Freeman.

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