By:Curtis Morton

Charlestown-Nevis-Director of Youth on Nevis, Miss Zahnela Claxton, recently revealed that registration for participants for the second annual The Face of Youth competition, is currently open.

Initially the deadline for registration was stated as Friday 18th November but interested persons now have an entire week more to confirm participation in the contest, as the deadline has been pushed back to Friday 25th November.

The competition is slated for January 28th 2017 and provides several benefits for the young people involved, as they will be viewed as potential change agents who can positively influence the society in which they live.


The FACE of Youth Competition is open to both males and females ages sixteen (16) to twenty five (25). § The participant MUST NOT have committed or have been charged with any criminal offense.

  • The participant is required to participate in all activities associated with the competition and as such will be called upon to assist the Department of Youth and Sports with youth related activities.
  • Participants are required to create a community project proposal to be presented to a panel. This proposal will be judged and the points will be carried over to the night of the competition.
  • Each participant will compete in three rounds on January 28, 2017. They are Behind the Face, Reality Check, and iCARE.
  • The conduct of the participant MUST BE irreproachable as he or she is vying to be an ambassador for the department.
  • Any participant who does NOT adhere to the rules that govern this competition will be automatically disqualified from participating in the competition.


The male FACE and the female FACE of Youth are expected to: 1. Host interviews and events on behalf of the department.

  1. Execute a youth centered project (project proposal information attached).
  2. Attend meetings of the Youth Advisory Board to Jr. Minister with responsibility for Youth.
  3. Participate in Public Service Announcements (PSAs) related to youth matters.
  4. Promote activities hosted by the department.
  5. Participate in International and Caribbean Youth Day activities.
  6. Highlight issues being faced by young people on the island.


As this competition is not a pageant, there will be a judged round prior to the final night and judged rounds on January 28, 2017. Round prior to competition night


Each participant will be asked to come up with a project that can impact youth (ages 12-29). This proposal will be presented to a panel of judges. The point breakdown will be shared during the initial meeting. The points for this round will be carried over to the final night.

The FACE Competition Night

There will be three (3) rounds.

  • Behind the FACE

* Reality Check

*  iCARE

ROUND 1 – BEHIND THE FACE (20 points)

In this round, participants will introduce themselves via video. They will give basic information which includes:

  • Name of participant
  • Age
  • School/Employer/Affiliated Organization
  • Hobbies/Areas and Activities of Interest/Extracurricular Activities
  • Why he/she would like to be the Face of Youth 2017 The video should be presented in two (2) minutes. Points will be awarded for content, diction, eye contact and posture, and naturalness. On the night of the competition participants will be asked a question related to the information shared on the video.


REALITY CHECK (100 points)

In this round, the participants will select one of the pillars from the OECS Yes Strategy. The pillars are:

  • YES I Belong – Citizenship & Identity
  • YES I Earn – Employment & Entrepreneurship
  • YES I Express – Creativity & Culture
  • YES I Inherit – Environment & Sustainable Development
  • YES I Learn – Education & Training
  • YES I Matter – Child & Youth Protection
  • YES I Move – Healthy Lifestyles

Participants are expected to present an issue which affects young people. The participant may be as creative as he or she wishes to be to ensure that the issue presented is brought to life. The participant may exhibit a skill in a single or combined talent and may do one or more of the following: sing, recite, dance, spoken word, or dramatize. He or she may be an instrumentalist, magician or gymnast, Fire acts and belly dancing are NOT PERMITTED. The material performed and the accompaniment should be appropriate for the participant and be suitable for a general viewing audience. Participant should therefore refrain from using material that is offensive to any race or creed, attire that is too revealing (do not reveal bust, stomach or posterior) and songs or readings with mature/ inappropriate or indecent lyrics. This segment is limited to four (4) minutes or less. Please note the following:

* Participants must provide all props, instruments or any equipment necessary for the performance.

* Participant using recorded music should have a flash drive or send the material via email two weeks prior to the competition. Please ensure that there is ONLY one track on the flash drive.

* A short write-up introducing the issue should be submitted two (2) weeks before the competition. Participants will be allowed to practice at the venue. A schedule will be circulated closer to the date of the event.

ROUND 3: iCARE (50 points)

Each participant will select a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) at the first meeting. On the night of the competition, the participant will speak to the selected goal. The participant MUST be attired professionally as he or she has been invited to attend the Commonwealth Youth Forum to represent his or her Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). During this round, the participant must answer a question based on the selected SDG. Community Service Activity Face participants will work together to create a thirty second (30 sec) public service announcement (PSA). Public Speaking and Leadership Training All participants will complete the Toastmasters Leadership Program from December 5-11, 2016. The Youth Leadership Program is a workshop that enables participants to develop communication and leadership skills through practical experience. Participants learn to:

  • Evaluate present speaking ability
  • Organize and give speeches
  • Give impromptu talks
  • Control voice, vocabulary and gestures
  • Give constructive feedback and more All participants will receive a Youth Leadership certificate from Toastmaster International which is recognized worldwide at the end of the training.


All participants will receive a participation trophy. Individual awards will also be given. The male FACE and female FACE will receive:

* One year free Internet Compliments Digicel Play,

* A complimentary night at a local hotel,

* Their faces on a billboard strategically placed in Charlestown,

* A position on the Youth Advisory Group to the Jr. Minister responsible for Youth,

* Support for the community project and

* Many other prizes!!!!

Additional Awards

Social Media Presence This goes to the participant who is creative and posts most frequently about the FACE competition on social media. The number of likes and shares will also form part of the criteria. This will not go towards the points for the competition. Most Popular Participant This will go to the crowd favorite and will be done via an online poll. This will not go towards the points for the competition.

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