Proclamations from His Excellency the Governor General Re: Carnival Public Holidays

Proclamations from His Excellency the Governor General Re: Carnival Public Holidays

WHEREAS it is enacted by section 5 of the Public Holidays Act, Cap. 23.23 that it shall
be lawful for the Governor–General, on the advice of the Cabinet, to issue a proclamation
appointing a special day or part of a day to be reserved as a public holiday in Saint Christopher
and Nevis or in any island, town, district or village thereof

AND WHEREAS the Governor-General, on the advice of the Cabinet of Saint
Christopher and Nevis considers it expedient that Wednesday the 2nd day of January, 2019
should be observed and kept as a public holiday in Saint Christopherand Nevis on the occasion
of the 2018/2019 Carnival

NOW THEREFORE, I, Sir Samuel Weymouth Tapley Seaton, Knight Grand Cross
of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Commander of the Royal
Victorian Order, Queen’s Counsel, Justice of the Peace, Governor–General of the Federation of
Saint Christopher and Nevis do with the advice of the Cabinet, in exercise of the powers
conferred on me by the said section of the said Act, appoint Wednesday the 2nd day of January,
2019 to be reserved and kept as a public holiday in Saint Christopherand Nevis

AND all our officers and loving subjects in Saint Christopher and Nevis and all others
whom it may concern are hereby required to take due notice hereof and to give their ready
obedience accordingly.

GIVENunder my hand and the Public Seal
of Saint Christopher and Nevis at
Government House this 28th day of
December, 2018 in the sixty–seventhyear of
Her Majesty‘s reign.


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