The very exciting first round of the NABA league concluded on Sunday 24th April with two exciting games
In game one, which was previously halted on April 17th due to rain, Dynasty Ballers won over Ole Skool with a score line of 58 to 52.
In game two, the excitement continued, with Ole Skool edging out High Voltage with a score line of 75 to 72.

Here is a summary of the two matches played

NABA Game 14 17 & 24.04.2016
Dynasty Ballers 58 to Ole Skool 52

First quarter Ole Skool 14 Dynasty Ballers 13
Second quarter Ole Skool 16 Dynasty Ballers 10
Third quarter Dynasty Ballers 14 Ole Skool 8
Fourth quarter Dynasty Ballers 21 Ole Skool 14

Half time score 30 – 23 in favor of Ole Skool

Dynasty Ballers 58 points
Orion Jones 18poi 10reb 1ass 2ste 3 turnovers 4 of 4 free throw made
Trevin Nisbett 8poi 6reb 2ass 1ste 3 turnovers 0 of 1 free throw
Sheldon Browne11poi 9reb 5ste 6 turnovers 5 of 8 free throw made
Dio Hendrickson 5poi 12reb 4ste 1 turnover 1 of 2 free throw made

Ole Skool 52 points
Nassive Lewis 14poi 15reb 1ass 1b/s 3 turnovers 0 of 2 free throw
Sandu Williams 12poi 7reb 1ass 1ste 2 turnovers 0 of 4 free throw
Julian Nisbett 8poi 11reb 2ass 2ste 3 turnovers o of 1 free throw
Sylvester Matthew 7poi 1reb 4ass 2ste 3b/s 6 turnovers 2 of 2 free throw made

NABA Game 15 24.04.2016
Ole Skool 75 to High Voltage 72

First quarter Ole Skool 22 High Voltage 16
Second quarter Ole Skool 22 High Voltage 16
Third quarter High Voltage 21 Ole Skool 16
Fourth quarter High Voltage 19 Ole Skool 15

Half Time score 44 – 33 in favor of Ole Skool

Ole Skool 75 points
Julian Nisbett 15poi 10reb 1ass 1ste 8 turnovers 3 of 4 free throw made
Vance Allen 17poi 3reb 3ass 1ste 11 turnovers 3 of 5 free throw made
Nassive Lewis 12poi 10reb 1ass 2ste 7 turnovers 2 of 4 free throw made
Collis Archibald 6poi 3reb 3ass 5ste 1 turnover

High Voltage 72 points
Curtis Morton 16poi 17reb 3ass 3ste 6 turnovers 4 of 11 free throw made
Lenroy Parris 17poi 6reb 3ass 1ste 1 turnover 2 of 4 free throw made
Robert Morton 16poi 3reb 1ass 4 turnovers 5 of 6 free throw made
Kevin Franklin 13poi 17reb 1b/s 1 turnover 0 of 4 free throw

First Round concluded. Second round starts Thursday 28th April 2016 with High Voltage vs Eagles at 7:00pm.

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