Removal of Illegal Structures from Pinneys Beach

The Nevis Island Administration (NIA) has a vision to secure sustainable growth and development for the people of Nevis through its various programmes such as the Department of Physical Planning, Natural Resources and Environment.

One of its goals towards achieving this vision is to implement development control to provide guidance for development activities and conformity with development regulations, as well as approved planning standards and guidelines.

This mandate could only be achieved by enforcing the laws, regulations and policies which govern development on the island especially the Nevis Physical Planning and Development Control Ordinance 2005 as amended in 2012.

On Monday 02 June 2013, the Department of Physical Planning with the support of the Ministry removed several illegal structures from Pinneys Beach. These structures were constructed without the necessary planning permissions as prescribed by section 15 of the Nevis Physical Planning and Development Control Ordinance 2005.

The location of these structures was in an area that was in breach of the prescribed setbacks under the Building Code. Further, they contravened the policies of the NIA with respect to development along our beaches. The owners and operators of these structures were given prior verbal warnings and on 23rd April 2013, enforcement notices were served to cease operations and have the structures removed by 31st May 2013.

During routine follow-ups, the Department of Physical Planning noticed that the proprietors were still carrying on normal business service and a stop order was subsequently served. Subsequent to this, a meeting was held with all affected operators and a follow-up letter was delivered to all operators with a reminder to comply before the deadline date.

Three (3) of the five (5) operators who were served complied, hence the Director of Physical Planning, acting on behalf of the Nevis Island Administration, was forced to apply Section 41 of The Nevis Physical Development and Control Ordinance, 2005 on the two (2) non-compliant operators.

The Department of Physical Planning takes no pleasure in having activated section 41 of the Ordinance and would much rather that developers, persons or entities, comply with the laws and cooperate with the agencies who are mandated to implement these laws.

We note that there are several developers, who at times, deliberately refused to comply with the laws, regulations and policies of the NIA and the Department would like to state, that we are fully prepared to carry out our mandate and enforce our laws. We therefore seek the cooperation of all, as we work together to secure the sustainable development of our beautiful and pristine island of Nevis.

The NIA is fully committed to the sustainable development and the proper use of Nevis’s fragile resources. The beaches of Nevis will be maintained in their most pristine form for the benefit of all Nevisians and others who come to our land.

Those intending to build on our beaches or anywhere else, are invited to seek the advice and proper approval from the Department of Physical Planning.
The NIA is committed to working with entrepreneurs, to provide an alternative site in the near future for small business entities to carry out their trade on Pinneys Beach, provided that the prescribed guidelines, standards, laws, regulations are complied with so that it can be a win-win situation for all.
Thank you.

Ministry of Communications, Works, Public Utilities, Posts, Physical Planning, Natural Resources and Environment

Nevis Island Administration
04 June 2013

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