Registration Opens For 2023 World Food Day Night Market

Registration is now open to all vendors, meat producers, fishers and Agro processors who would like to secure their spots at the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Marine Resources and Cooperatives’ Agri: World Food Day Edition!

The World Food Day-themed event is set to take place on Wednesday, 18th October 2023 during the World Food Day Week of Activities, being held under the theme, “Water is Life, Water is Food, Leave No One Behind”.

Registration forms are now available at the Basseterre Public Market, Department of Agriculture, LaGuerite, Department of Marine Resources and the Ministry of Agriculture, Building #16 Port Zante, St. Kitts.

The deadline for registration is Tuesday, October 17. Interested persons are asked to send an email to or contact the Ministry of Agriculture at 467-1016 for further information.

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