Rain Dampens CSS Party

Rain Dampens CSS Party

The patron of the day Shamyse Bartlette was splendiferous attired and it was obvious that she had spent quite some time at the Hair dresser’s as well. The athletes led by their flag bearers lined up on the track and DJ Wenty even started to play the well known tune for the march past—and then it happened. More rain.

It was the significant day for the annual Sports meet for the Charlestown Secondary school to be held at the ET Willet Park. It was a much anticipated day because the battle lines were well and truly drawn as the competition was heated all throughout the Heats activities. However, since earlier in the day, it had rained incessantly but the athletes and officials were hoping that it would have abated, well before the start time for the meet.

NAAA chief Lester Blackett remained hopefully even as he looked at the slightly water logged track, noting that maybe one of the lanes would have to be closed.

Long serving Track Steward Conrad Smithen called it early. ‘It should be postponed. I don’t want any of the children to get hurt,’ he said.

Former Olympian Kurvin Wallace was certain that he had never run on any track in the condition of this one and used the opportunity to make the eternal appeal for a synthetic track.

One athlete stated: ‘I don’t think we should run. It’s too wet and some of the athletes do not have tracks. It will be too dangerous.

Headmaster Edson Elliot delayed the long awaited announcement, maybe just to ensure that some of the delicacies from the school’s stacked bar were sold.

Then the official pronouncement was made. The CSS sports meet 2013 edition has been officially postponed to a date to be announced.

This week’s slots for sports meets are already filled and the slots for each day of next week looks closed as well. Maybe it may just be slotted in for Thursday 14th –the day scheduled for the sports meet of the Naomi’s preschool.

The question raised was: Will the spectators who paid before, have to pay again? Without a ticket it will be impossible to determine who would have paid previously. There were two suggestions thrown around
1. Throw the gates wide open
2. View the first payment as a donation to the school and charge everyone on day two

Whatever transpires, it will be worth it because the CSS athletes do have a score to settle as the athletes strive for supremacy.

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