Primary School Football League to Climax Next Week

Primary School Football League to Climax Next Week

By: Curtis Morton

The 2014 edition of the Giant Malt Primary School Football competition is set to climax next week.

According to Mr. Jamir Claxton, Director of Sports on Nevis, there were still some 16 games remaining in the preliminary stage but the organizers were experiencing some serious transportation issues and so representatives of the Sports Department met with the Headmasters of the schools and it was decided that based on the current points standings, the final four in each zone were clearly established.

A draw for the final four play offs was made on Thursday 6th November and the following matches will be played next week:

Monday 10th November –
A- division–IWPS v STPS—semi final number one
B division—IWPS v SJPS-semi final number one

Tuesday 11th November –
A- division—MCPS v CPS—semi final number two
B division—STPS v VOJN-semi final number two

The finals will be played on Thursday 13th November.

All matches will commence at 1.30 pm at the ET Willet Park.

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