Jazz cruises are an increasingly popular way of enjoying this scintillating music in sophisticated company. Jazz maestro Courtney Pine, CBE hosts his 4th annual “Jazz n Lime” unique day cruise which departs Port Zante on Sunday 30 June on Blue Water Safari’s J’OUVERT at 9am and docks at the award-winning SPICE MILL restaurant at 2pm for a 2-course buffet and fun.
The legendary saxophonist has been on a world tour since 1986 but became a citizen of St Kitts-Nevis 4 years ago and launched this intimate, exclusive international event to contribute to the Federation’s dynamic tourism timetable. This Music Festival fringe event occurs every Music Festival Sunday and has attracted visitors from across the Caribbean, Europe, USA and Canada as well as locals since it began.
Guest musicians have been the outstanding talent, Gairy Knight on keyboards and Dominican guitarist Cameron Pierre.
When he is not on tour, Pine lives in St Peters with his wife Dr Jeune Guishard-Pine, a psychologist at Windsor University and hopes to attract local young aspiring jazz musicians to masterclasses at his music school ‘Sugar City Studios’ in the future so that they can come along and perform alongside him on this annual cruise.
Early bird reservations can be made by June 1st through the Spice Mill or Verve Connections on 663 2917.