Premier to 2013 Nevis Culturama Festival Contestants: You have become Ambassadors

Premier to 2013 Nevis Culturama Festival Contestants: You have become Ambassadors

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (June 11, 2013) – Contestants for the 2013 Nevis Culturama Festival senior pageants were on Monday June 10, 2013 reminded that they were ambassadors for the island. Premier Hon. Vance Amory made the statement when he received a courtesy visit, at his Bath Hotel office, from the six Miss Culture Contestants, the five Swimwear Competition Contestants and the five Mr. Kool Participants.

“I want to thank you for accepting the invitation to become contestants…By agreeing to become contestants, you have become ambassadors, not just for yourselves and your parents and your families but for your country. If you do win, whichever one of you wins the Miss Culture Show, you are going to be an ambassador further afield, whether it is here in Nevis or in a regional competition so I want you to see this as an opportunity to develop yourselves,” Premier Amory said.

The Premier described the Nevis Culturama pageants as more than just shows but as constructive avenues for the participants to express themselves and develop their talents and personalities.

“You never know who would be looking, whether it’s here at the show itself, at the [Cultural] Complex or by way of the Internet. Someone might see an exceptional talent and might want to come and recruit you for greater things. See this as an opportunity to market yourselves, to project yourselves and to do so in the best possible way that you can, through your smile, through your poise, through the way you speak, the way you interact with your fellow contestants and the way you interact outside of the environment of the show itself because you will be meeting other persons,” he said.

Premier Amory said he believed this year’s contestants and participants had the potential to make the 2013 Nevis Culturama Festival the best.

“By your performance, by your involvement, by your expressions, you can determine that. As you prepare for the competition just keep your calm; keep your cool. Respond always to your chaperones and always show up on time for your appointments, for interviews or for your make-up, or your hair dressing, whatever it is, show up on time, well not on time, show up before time and then that takes the stress out of it,” Premier Amory said.

Meantime, the contestants, who were accompanied by the Senior Pageant Committee Co-chairs Cavelle Swanston-Howell and Garrett Skeete, also visited the office of Deputy Premier and Minister of Culture Hon. Mark Brantley, who said he believed the 2013 edition of Nevis Culturama would be “dynamite.”

“I’m looking forward to your full participation. Thank you all very much for coming out…I wish you all the very best and I certainly will be there to cheer each and every one of you along…At the end of the day it’s all about having fun, enjoying yourselves and making us proud so have a good time. May the best person win and I look forward to all of you going on to do great things for your island,” he said.

“All the shows are going to be great and, of course, I am depending on you to appeal to the public so that everyone can come out and enjoy Culturama this year. Culturama 39 is going to be grand and as we build up and build up, we make this festival the premier Caribbean summer festival,” Minister Brantley said.

The Senior and Junior pageant contestants were officially launched on June 7, 2013 at a ceremony held at the apron of the A.L. Evelyn Building, following a mini-parade through Charlestown.

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