Premier of Nevis shares Christmas Message

My fellow citizens, residents and friends,

I take great delight in extending to all of you, very best wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

As we celebrate at this time, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, I encourage you to think of the gifts of peace, gifts of love the gifts of goodwill which were the messages of that first Christmas Day.

As you go through this period, this most joyful season, I can only encourage each one of you to share with someone less fortunate than yourself, those gifts and attributes which make Christmas a special season.

I’m aware, that this last year has been one which has had many challenges and each one of us would have had to deal with our individual issues and I can only say to all of us, that as we celebrate, let us seek to make the spirit of Christmas come alive within ourselves so that we can use those gifts [of] love, peace, goodwill. Let it emanate from us to those around us, so that we can build a new harmonious, joyful and peaceful society.

It is the time of year when we celebrate; when we have and make merry; when we drink and we eat but I want to implore us that we should take into consideration, the fact that we should do so in moderation. Let us not overindulge and let us not become aggravated at the circumstances around us but let us take hold of ourselves and let peace and let love begin with us.

As I speak to you of peace and love, as I speak to you of giving, I am aware that when one gives, one is not the poorer but is the richer as the gift which you give, has a way of returning to you fourfold or even more and so at this time, this joyous season, as we celebrate let us seek to do that which is good by our neighbours, by our friends, by all around us and I am persuaded, if we are to make that cultivation of the attributes of Christmas and inculcate them in our own lives and let them emanate from us, that we can have a much more harmonious society and can enjoy more of the peace and the love of this joyful season.

I wish to thank all the people of Nevis and all the people of my Constituency of St. George especially, for the love and support which you have given to me over the years. By that love you have made me a better person, a person who feels at home serving you and sharing with you and I am persuaded that this can ensure that we have a joyous hope, that the future of this country will be much better for all of us.

Merry Christmas all of you my citizens, friends and residents and let us look forward to the new year with hope and with confidence.

May God bless you as you celebrate; Merry Christmas to one and all. God bless you.

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